Find and be yourself

Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to Saturday art link up!


All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” 

Francis of Assisi

Sometimes it may be hard to be yourself, different than others; to be unique, to be the way you are. In today’s world people’s voices, opinions are million-fold and omni-present. Yet, the individual one counts.

Our world may feel crowded, distances have shrunk in a hurry. Physically thanks to modern transportation and virtually thanks to the internet. It is no secret, I love the internet. I could get lost without it, yet sometimes I get lost within it.

When that happens, I will look inside to find myself, my own voice, my art. And I remember those words by Francis of Assisi.

I hope you do, too. Have a wonderful weekend!


 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


<div align="center"><a href="" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. My personal medium is photography and photo art, but I do not want to put a limit on my art link up. Thus I encourage you to join me, no matter which your art form is.

Please don not be intimidated that I am calling this an art link up. I want you to share your creations. Art is completely subjective. It takes courage and time to realize that you may actually call your own creations art. If you believe they are pieces of art, I believe they are. They may be good or bad or great – who am I to say?! I’d rather like to think along these words from Andy Warhol:

Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

[inlinkz_linkup id=517216 mode=1]

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


22 thoughts on “Find and be yourself”

    • Thank you, Jen. Glad you like it’s simplicity, which in this case was the goal. To use just one photo + blending and textures etc. Candles are very calming to me in general. We have them burning every night.

  1. great quote!! love that simple truth.
    and fantastic image. I love how it is all dark behind the candle… but the light from the candle is the forefront. not extinguished!
    and the layers on the background to look all ancient – very cool! I used a quote on mine too! one of my favourites. and continuing my water theme for the week 🙂

    • Exactly: Simple truth. Looking at the image now, I find I probably should have taken some of the layered ‘background’ off the candle to make it separate itself more from the background. The ‘ancient’ is actually a cracked concrete wall I took a picture of during winter to make into a texture 🙂
      I like your water them, you know that I love water!

  2. Claudia, first up…I like the new look of your site ~ very nice! Second, nice photo creation! And, finally I created my first s-ART-urday image! After the A2Z challenge ends, I hope to participate regularly in this meme. Maybe, today’s exposure will peak the curious enough to hop over to visit you & take part in the photo-art fun!

    • Thanks, Cathy, I’m happy you like it. I really only changed the homepage and minimized the menu as I am quite happy with the rest.
      Your first s-ART-urday submission is really impressive – I love it!


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