I have been sitting here a while and not only this morning pondering about today’s post. Most especially Leslie’s question for her Coffee Chat. Somehow it is a difficult one. But let me give you the prompts first:
1. Leslie’s prompt today: Tell me about a recent fear that you faced.
2. Kathy’s suggestion for Song-ography is “The Miracle” by Queen
Why is that one difficult? Well, simple, I haven’t had many fears lately. Or more precisely none that I want to get into too much detail on the internet. Then again, I am pretty much an open book for you these days anyhow. So, here goes.
My latest fear was of medical nature. Two-fold actually and, surprise, surprise, it was not about my foot. First off I had my very first surgery ever. I know I am very lucky that I never had to have one before. During an extensive check up a big cyst, mass was found and decided it was best removed. The surgery, a laparoscopy, wasn’t even a big one, as in, I could go home the same day, but still. It was full on anesthesia, OP room, surgery for one and a half hours or so and then recovery. But I had the whole Easter weekend to recover and a loving husband who was there all the time and took good care of me.
So now I had a few cuts in my tummy that were healing, a foot in a cast that was somewhat hindering, coming up to my second fear. This involved my yearly mammogram, which I had scheduled months ago for the Monday after Easter. If you remember last year, there was a mass detected they wanted to keep an eye on. So, here I was, waiting for the lab results of the mass they removed during surgery a few days ago, going to the check up on the next one. Talk about being nervous… But I am happy to report that on both accounts I got good news: #1 is benign and #2 is static, which means back to regular yearly check ups – YAY!
Not quite a miracle, but I am very thankful about these news nonetheless. The miracle of life, isn’t it amazing? The Miracle by Queen – a song about life, love, peace and hope, definitely a positive message. At least that is what I hear. And I chose this particular part: If every leaf on every tree, could tell a story that would be a miracle. I have often stood in a forest or out and about looking at a leaves and trees and wondered the same thing; the stories they could tell…
I know someone who can tell a story! David. He has written a mystery, sci-fi, coming-of-age story over on his site and he has just published part #10. Go have a read. I am providing him with photos for his writing and the top one below is one of the first photos that started his story. Think about it. That parasite, bug, whatever it is on the leaf below is life, too. We may not like it, in fact, I think it is rather gross, but it is all part of the bigger picture. Just like the other photo of leaves caught in the water and trapped in ice. All part of the circle of life on Earth.
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These are sooooo nice! Tom The Backroads Traveller
Thank you soooooo very much, Tom 😉
Wow Claudia! So glad everything worked out so well. I’ve had that kind of surgery but back in the day it was more hospital stay, etc. etc. When mine was done they discovered I was pregnant with my daughter! So, YES, the miracle of life. That really resonates. Hope things continue to go well with your foot. I know being confined somewhat does mess with you! Hugs!
You know, I talked to my sis in Germany and she said that there you’d have to stay a day or so in the hospital, too. She was real surprised that I was (allowed) to go home right after.
Hah – I bet that was some surprise that you were pregnant, huh?! Miracles do happen!
Glad you had good news.
Thank you, Molly, appreciate it.
OMG!!! I am so glad that everything
worked out okay!! I would have been freaking out with you. I still have not done a mammogram and I thinking that this will be the year of my first at my annual check up. yikes — but necessary. Having had 3 C sections, I am no stranger to surgery at all.. especially in the tummy area. recovery is not fun – it’s very painful there.
but glad that everything turned out okay and no further fears!!
I’ll be by to see David’s latest chapter soon too! 🙂
Thanks, Leslie, me, too 🙂 I didn’t want anyone freaking out and as I said even hesitated to put it out here now. Yes, do you annual checkup – no excuses!
Yes, David is waiting for you 😉
So glad to read all turned out okay. As for your images – that second one simply took my breath away. Beautiful!
Thank you so much, Nick. I was fascinated by those leaves caught in the ice, however the muddy brown of the river was somewhat off. Until I decided to do a split-toning.
I know what you mean about fearing the medical world. I am the same way. I have had a few procedures, and I hate the whole idea of general anesthesia. But then again…I guess I would hate it MORE if there were NO general anethesia! haha. Glad to hear all is well. And thanks for linking up to Song-ography.
Well said, Kathy. So very true, what would we do or be without all that is possible these days…
Good health and healing are miracles indeed. Glad that all is well with you and on the mend.
Thank you so much, Kim. Health really is the one thing that we usually don’t value too much, especially when younger, until… We need to take care of ourselves and be positive.
Those are very valid and scary scenarios. I am so glad you had both taken care of, and with good results! You were brave to share this, too. These are private, but very important issues. Women need to be reminded to get things checked. Thank you. Hug.
I don’t think I’m brave, Annie, there are others who have (had) it much harder and are much braver than I am. This blog, website here feels like an extension of my world and I am sharing it with my – virtual – friends. And maybe remind them, you to take care of yourselves.
Have a great weekend!
I LOVE Queen.
And I love the end of your story. I’ve never had surgery so far.. oh wait – I had oral surgery twice. Does that count? I was put under. I’m so glad it was benign and static. Really happy for you. That’s relief times 1,000!
A Queen lover, huh?! I wouldn’t go quite that far, but there are certainly quite a few songs I like a lot.
Ugh – oral surgery and put under – that counts! Yep, benign and static equals happy and relief 🙂