Fine Art Friday + Feeling Beachie Blog Hop ~ week 108

Ffine art Friday – spring edition! Yes, I have been out shooting here and there and most noticeably at the Arboretum Frelinghuysen. Blossoms galore! Cherries, Magnolia, you name it – a photographer’s dream. Speaking of – this is my dreamy version of a white magnolia. In case you are curious, there is also a dramatic one – click on the thumb below -, but the dreamy variety won the contest.

magnolia, blossom, spring, white, bokey


This is from Hilary’s blog:

Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own magnolia, blossom, spring, white, bokeyblogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Uttley from Uttley’s Take – he came up with the last two statements!

I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:
1. I hate shopping.
2. I used to love playing football (soccer – I am German) as a kid
3. Common sense says to be patient, but I tend to want everything right now!
4. Once, I was surprised to find myself alone in the office at 5.45 pm and the security clock ticking away.

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Today’s blog hops are:

PhotobucketLet's Get Social SundayAloha Friday Blog HopFollow Who? Social Weekend Hop

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


Thank you for being my reader.


14 thoughts on “Fine Art Friday + Feeling Beachie Blog Hop ~ week 108”

    • Thanks, Debbie. Wow – for 47 years?! Very dedicated. I was surprised to see how big it is really in the US, maybe not in media, but on the ground. Thanks for reminding me – I added soccer for our Americans 😉

  1. I shopped on the internet for the first time. I needed some specific yarn for my baby outfits and it was only available in the US. Not a big fan of shopping either.

    • I don’t mind too much actually, but this time for the first time in a new office and everybody had left without telling me and they turned on the alarm. Well, I managed in time to turn it off, still…

  2. Not very good at the patient thing either.

    beautiful pictures, as always.

    and looking at them I am now very impatient for spring to just get here already! 🙂


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