Fine Art Friday + Feeling Beachie Blog Hop ~ week 113

Today I will be very brief for Fine Art Friday. Whenever I am out jogging, I have my iPhone with me and I cannot come home with at least one dandelion photo. They always seem so intricate, fragile. But when I saw this one on the little screen and later on the big one, it instantly reminded me of stars, sparkling and glowing like a galaxy. Albeit without the third dimension, being a normal photo only.

And yet again – color or monochrome? I am always having a very hard time to decide which one I prefer. Am I alone with this?




This is from Hilary’s blog:

Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is BECKEY Pickles from THE REALLY REALLY REAL HOUSEWIVES who came up with the last statement! I REALLY NEED CO-HOSTS, after so many weeks I am running out of statements!

I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…


This week’s statements:
1. One of my best and worst traits is that I am pretty good at a lot of things (which is bad, because I don’t concentrate on one particular one to perfect it).
2. If I could escape for a day, I’d be where I smell and feel and hear the ocean.
3. The best part of social media is to meet old and new friends.
4. When I was young I thought I would never marry.


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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


Thank you for being my reader.


14 thoughts on “Fine Art Friday + Feeling Beachie Blog Hop ~ week 113”

  1. Beautiful! I like both photos, but the one in color is fabulous. You really do get a star/galaxy feel from it.

    Also, I love Hilary’s weekly statement blog hop idea. It’s fun to learn more about the person behind the blog. I think I’ll join in!

  2. It does rather look like a star or a galaxy. I like the colour version here.

    with you on #2 and #4
    In fact, it’s a wonder many of us have not met before as single ladies at the beach! HA

  3. I often say the same thing as your #1. I’m good at a lot of little things but not great at one big thing. Love the photos – and this time I’ll have to go for the color version. It just glows.


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