By special request of someone very dear, I am sharing with you a recent New York City skyline photo on my Fine Art Friday. I took this last week after a business dinner right at the waterfront in Hoboken. Across the Hudson there it was: New York City glowing in all it’s… shiny lights. And you know, I have converted this to b&w, but I decided to share the color version with you here on my blog. Hope you like it.
By the way – for the photo nerds among you, this was taken at ISO 6400, handheld leaning on a fence…
This is from Hilary’s blog:
Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is TAMI from EMPTY NEST IN IL who came up with the last statement! I REALLY NEED CO-HOSTS, after so many weeks I am running out of statements!
I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…
This week’s statements:
1. If I don’t take photos then I am not alive.
2. I wish I had more time to take photos and update my site but then again I need to make money, too.
3. Expressing myself in English is oftentimes challenging for me.
4. I would say I am “computer lover” because I do love them. o.k. sometimes I hate them, too, but that’s usually when they are faulty or too slow – LOL
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
Thank you for being my reader.
Claudia, do you know, that it is sometimes harder for me to express myself in German. I’m at the point where I sometimes make up or change words because I don’t know exactly how to say it. My mom says German is becoming so weird – they use a lot of appreviations now and she had a hard time knowing exactly what people meant. I’m becoming like our number 2 – taking photos all of the time, anything really… I’m so glad my phone has such a good camera that way, if i don’t have my big one with me I can still get a decent shot! Wuensche dir ein schoenes Wochenende. 🙂
I totally understand what you’re saying about speaking German. And it must be ‘worse’ for you (or better, which ever way you see it), because you’ve been in the US since you were a teenager. Great phone cameras – another great thing (or curse) 😉
I love the city lights at night however Hubby is my photographer so I have to wait for him.
Thanks, Judy. I love watching city lights.
Fantastic NYC skyline shot! I have one too that I took from the back of the ferry. It is really special because the Twin Towers are centre focus. So glad I got the chance to take that shot.
And the slow computer thing.. yeah, I get that totally.
Wow – that really is special. I haven’t been to NYC until 2011 – 10 years too late 🙁
What a beautiful skyline of my favorite city in the US. Thank you for coming to our party and for hositing the bloghop Claudia.
Thank you very much, BiTi. However, the bloghop is hosted by Hilary of FeelingBeachie