FFine Art Portraits Friday it is today for me. I haven’t told many of you, but last weekend I went to a photo expo with lots of seminars, workshops and lectures by well known photographers. Ask David – I was buzzing with inspiration when I got home on Saturday. Couldn’t stop babbling about all the things I had seen, heard and learned. I will show you a few more of the pictures I took during that weekend, but today I am starting with yet another monochrome photo for my Fine Art Portraits Friday post.
~ Want to hear my story? ~
Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is BETH ANN from IT’S JUST LIFE who came up with the last statement! I REALLY NEED CO-HOSTS, after so many weeks I am running out of statements!
I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…
This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I wonder if I should quit work but I know I won’t…
2. Maple Walnut is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
3. The thing I remember most vividly about my dad is his smile, being on vacation in Denmark, camping by the ocean and going fishing with him.
4. When I am honest about it, I really love to work.
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
Thank you for being my reader.
Claudia! I gasped when I saw this picture! It is stunning! I cannot wait to see more of y our portrait work!
Thanks, Debbi 🙂 This is a rather dramatic one…
Love the picture! Look forward to Fridays!
Hehe – I am always looking forward to Fridays, too 😉
Great pic Claudia!
Love it!
Thank you very much, G! Appreciate you stopping by.
Those are sweet memories to have of your dad. Love that portrait shot – it looks so interesting and makes you wonder… Yes, I would like to know his story!!!
Thank you, Susi. Memories are very precious…
Yes I do want to hear his story!! what a great shot — I am actually making up life stories about him in my head right now.
Maple walnut is a definite favourite around here too.
Yes! Success!! I love it when a picture evokes your kind of feeling 🙂 Thank you, Les.
I so can relate to your work answers… I often wonder the same thing – but really love work – just sometimes I get over stressed…
Absolutely with you, Hilary.
Maple Walnut sounds so good! Have a great weekend!
I loved Maple Walnut ever since I first had it over in Germany 🙂
ooh nice portrait! b&w portraits are always hard to get right, you nailed it though!
Thank you very much, Juni.