Ink and acrylic painting of a flower with an added quote

Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today: A flower quote

“Art attracts us only by what it reveals of our most secret self.” ~Jean-Luc Godard ~

While I am sitting here in front of my computer, I am also looking out the window and am wondering why? Why is it snowing, again? Of course, it is winter, but with the recent temperatures it really felt like almost spring. I swear it was in the air just yesterday. But, nope, not yet. So, while I am looking at the white beauty winter outside I can’t help wondering if I should really drive to work now or wait a little longer. After all it is said to taper off in an hour or so. For now my decision is to wait a little and instead work on my Saturday blog post.

Last weekend I started another little painting. For the first time on a aquaboard instead of normal paper, and I liked it. Thankfully I bought a few more, so I am hoping to be starting another one this Saturday. But we will see how things develop.

In case you’re interested the process for this picture was: Moisten it completely, drip and smudge around india ink, apply acrylic paint, blot it off a little and after all is dried embellish with Posca gel pens and Micron pens. I probably could have continued adding and adding, but at some point you have got to take a step back and revalue what you have created. And then either keep on going or stop. I decided to stop at this point. Before all the dotting got totally out of hand. But it was so much fun to create something different. It really is a mixture of very intuitive, free painting and more illustration like art. Maybe a little like me – a mixture of a lot of things.

Hm, the snow is still falling, but I think I better get ready to head out.

And so I did and had another long day at work, did some grocery shopping afterwards and am now home, Friday night 7 pm. A bit late and I don’t feel like cooking, so we are going to try Domino’s again. I say ‘try’, because we had a bad experience last time we ordered. But since it happened only once in maybe twenty (over the past couple of years), we will order there again. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Flower quote painting

Oh, and by the way, while the roads were a bit slippery in the morning, the snow is now pretty much gone again. But driving to work looking at winter while it was happening I thought to myself ‘I don’t care if I’m going to be late, but I will stop and take some photos’. And so I did. I stopped at my usual place, Central Park Hanover, where I always go jogging in summer and took some winter wonderland photos with my iPhone. Here’s a sneak peek.

winter wonderland, new jersey, whippany, snow

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

[inlinkz_linkup id=605791 mode=1]

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You may, of course, also [et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


35 thoughts on “Ink and acrylic painting of a flower with an added quote”

  1. Interesting piece. I have gel pens and gellatos and have never used them. And it has been over 40 years since I have done a watercolor. Looking forward to seeing the Witch game. And…. (speaking in a whisper here)…. there is rumor of snow on Tuesday….

  2. Wow. Love the painting. You are truly so talented. I admire that. Glad you made it to and from work safely. The worst we have to worry about is torrential down pours and flooding which can be hazardous in their own way and we’ve had plenty of both over the past couple weeks. It’s been a bit crazy since rain season is officially over but it sure doesn’t feel that way.

  3. It’s beautiful! I love the texture and tones.
    Ugh. Sorry to be absent again — and I had some idea of a post in mind, but I also had another Girl Guide winter camp sleepover this weekend and just home now and …..OYE. My ears are still ringing from the giggles and yelling of 26 five and six year old girls!! However, we did TONS of crafts with the girls, who were earning their Around the World badge — thus we did crafts representing different cultures. So there will be pictures of Aboriginal Dot Art, Japanese Paper Fans, Maori Sticks, Native drums… so much ART! LOL
    But it’s too late to be taking shots of all ZooZoo’s work now — hopefully I will have time tomorrow. The dot painting is really cool. That was my favourite.

    • Thanks, Leslie. I was almost getting worried about not seeing anything new from you on your site and was about to send you a message 🙂 These girls seem to be taking over your (weekend) life, huh? But as long as you are enjoying it, together with ZooZoo, I guess, all is good. I look forward to seeing your aboriginal art.

      • This group is taking over my ENTIRE life almost. I had a talk the other day with other leaders that it should not be taking this much of my time. I have had zero time for myself in the past couple of weeks, and I feel a volunteer position should not be so time consuming. It’s been like a full time job… but I still have the kids, home, and other activities. So hopefully we can simplify things over the next couple of meetings.

        • Yeah, I had a feeling that this was happening. And you are right, it should not. Not for a volunteer position or a regular job for that matter. Nothing should take over your life, unless you want it to. I will keep my fingers crossed that you can get it resolved during your meetings soon.

  4. Claudia, well this is the first time in a while for me to link up. Your painting is lovely and I really like the quote you paired with it. Nice job! Winter is holding on, isn’t it? I felt spring earlier in the week, but it cooled off by Thursday and early in the upcoming week Old Man Winter will have his way for the first three days before more normal like temperatures return to the forecast. Thanks for sharing your creativity and for hosting this delightful hop. I hope to participate a little more often this year than I did in 2015. Keep warm! 😉

    • Cathy!! It is so good to see you here and have you link up your photo painting! Seems like our weather is similar, just a tad bit colder (and whiter) up here these days. I am really ready for spring now and cannot wait to see that white stuff gone.
      Hope to see you next week, too! Have a great Sunday!


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