Winter wonderland – was it the one good thing last week?

“Every day may not be good… but there’s one good thing in every day!” ~ Alice Morse Earle

onegoodthing week #2

Alrighty, week #2 of #onegoodthing, a collaboration between Susi of Bocafrau and Leslie aka RoryBore of Ink Interrupted. Together we are hosting this weekly link up to remind ourselves of and surround us with some positive thoughts. We invite you to join us and link your blog posts, flickr or instagram photos below and if you are on twitter, or instagram for that matter, don’t forget to tag your tweets with #onegoodthing.

[Tweet “The new #linkup party #OneGoodThing – spread some positive words, every Monday with @RoryBore @Bocafrau”]


So, what was good in my week gone by. Honestly, at first glance nothing comes to mind, it was a rather bad week. However, if there are no ‘big’ things that spring to mind, start looking at smaller ones. You know that it really is the little things that make life a lot more enjoyable.

Let’s see…

Monday, well, that was an ordinary Monday.

Tuesday I got my hair colored and I am happy I can do that on a very (!) regular basis, as otherwise I’d be showing a lot of white, which, I admit can look really nice, but – I am simply not ready for it. While being there I enjoyed a bit of iPhone editing fun, the result can be seen here. Oh, Tuesday night was fun. Our office team went out for dinner, ahem, an extremely late Christmas dinner at Shanghai Jazz.

Wednesday – I was home early enough to have a nice work-out before making dinner.

Thursday – honestly, let’s just not talk about it all. in a long time.

Friday – got up early to see my world covered under a blanket of snow and still snowing hard. Also, recovering from Thursday, staying at work longer than I wanted to followed by grocery shopping and ending up ordering pizza for dinner.

Saturday – doing quite a bit of blogging, commenting and… working on our game, which is coming along very nicely. Work-out in the afternoon and then dinn…, not. We actually started playing WOT and kind of got sucked in and played a little longer. It was fun.

Sunday – after breakfast I started painting. While working out yesterday I had red a watercolor tutorial that I wanted to try. I have been painting with watercolors on and off since I was a kid, but there is always something new to learn, right? Apart from that I worked some more on the game graphics, had another work-out and then we made dinner, yummy fajitas, and finished the weekend watching Harry Potter part 2. Now I am finishing this post and then will fall into bed.

So, how has your week been? What have you been up to, what is your one good thing? As for my title question: What do you think my #onegoodthing was last week? And now, have a good one, All!

Friday morning’s winter wonderland

Whippany winter snow river

Whippany snow winter

Starry Night – watercolor painting

watercolor painting starry night

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

[inlinkz_linkup id=605794 mode=1]

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You may, of course, also [et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


16 thoughts on “Winter wonderland – was it the one good thing last week?”

  1. Yeah for hair colour!! Yes, the little things. Except I don’t see all those little things on my head as little at all! Ha!
    Funny how it can turn a bad day around. Looking forward to seeing this game you are designing. But wow – your winter wonderland is lovely. I am keeping my fingers crossed that Wednesday will be a nice day, where no work is sprung upon me, and I can get out with my camera.
    But your Starry Night is taking my breath away. Gorgeous!!!

  2. It looks to me there were a few god things… getting a few work-outs in, painting that beautiful water color, working on your game project, and fajitas for dinner! 🙂 To me that’s what it’s all about, these little moments that add up to something beautiful. Have a great week!!! Hopefully, a less stressful one. xoxo

  3. That watercolor is so sweet. It reminds me of little children for some reason. It would make a wonderful illustration for a child’s book. My one good thing last week was getting another all clear from my dermatologist on my annual review. Had skin cancer two years ago and had it removed. So far nothing else has popped up and THAT IS ONE GOOD THING!!!! Lol!

  4. The watercolour is lovely, and you got some great snow shots. Sounds like a week with plenty of good in it 🙂 Nothing to share, as it’s been a bit of a blur these past few days! Have a great week!

  5. Amen for getting your hair done! Always a bonus to be pampered!

    Here’s hoping your weeks going well! Sounds like a lot of good things and makes me smile seeing such lovely photos!

  6. Liebe Claudia,
    Du bist eine sehr rege Bloggerin.
    Nicht alles lese ich immer – aber ich freue mich immer, von Dir zu hören.
    Es ist erfrischend und anregend bei Dir!
    Ednas Blick vom Rockefeller-Center und auch andere Bilder und Berichte …… : ich kann nur sagen – New York ist für Interessierte mit Sicherheit eine Reise wert!
    So, nun wünsche ich Dir einen schönen Tag und hoffe, dass die Werbung auf Deinem Blog nie die Oberhand gewinnt.
    So einen kleinen Nebenverdienst kann man ja sicher in Eurem teuren Land immer gebrauchen, das gönne ich jedem!………
    Also sehen wir mal über den Quatsch hinweg und konzentrieren uns auf das Wesentliche. Deine herrlichen Beiträge zum Leben!

    Es grüsst Dich ganz
    herzlich …die Pippa

    • Vielen Dank, Pippa. Ja, wer weiss, vielleicht schaffst Du es ja auch mal über den großen Teich zu springen nach NYC. Ich bin sicher Dir würd es auch gefallen. Vorletztes Jahr war meine Schwester hier, die nie (!) in den USA Urlaub machen wollte (frei nach dem Motto Europa ist ja auch groß genug – stimmt ja auch). Und sie hat es geliebt 🙂

  7. Hi Claudia, your week sounded like a nicely balanced one, with a bit of everything going on. To wake up to a carpet of snow must be quite magical (or is that just me fancying the novelty of it?). Getting of work early was a bonus (ignore the fact you worked late Friday) and a day of blogging is just what I need at the moment, in order to catch up!


    • Well, not so sure about ‘balanced’, but I sure got a lot of different things going on. The carpet of snow sounds probably enticing because it is a novelty for you, I’d much rather have Greek weather. And I just realized that I am catching up on blogging, too, as I am answering comments from last week, while preparing the new #onegoodthing post for tonight…


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