Fog and sunshine at the coast of the Pacific Northwest

nablopomo_badge_2016   aedmlogored 

2nd week of November’s Art Every Day and also in NaBloPoMo

November 11th

Day #11 of AEDM and NaBloPoMo – their writing prompt for today is: What are five funny (but real) things your current relationship has taught you?

I actually like this one, but I’d have to think about it for a moment. Unfortunately I cannot just pull something out of my pocket.

And I also know that it is high time to show you the next step in my manga girl sketch, but that is reserved for tomorrow’s sARTurday post. For today you are stuck with some more PNW photos of fog and sunshine at the same time. Don’t you just love fog? It is autumn after all.





If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

7 thoughts on “Fog and sunshine at the coast of the Pacific Northwest”

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