Home cooking and a walk at the beach

nablopomo_badge_2016   aedmlogored 

2nd week of November’s Art Every Day and also in NaBloPoMo

November 10th

Day #10 of AEDM and NaBloPoMo – their writing prompt for today is: Did you celebrate or commemorate your divorce or a significant breakup? Would you ever?

So today, and I know that it is Thursday, but I will have an almost Wordless Wedness post for you. Rather than writing, I decided to quickly edit i.e. convert photos to show you. They are from visiting David’s mom in September. We cooked together, Jamba-sotto, and it was a beautiful, sunny day. But suddenly, without much warning and within an hour – fog. It was amazing to watch it rolling in over the bay until we couldn’t see the ocean anymore. David and I went out for a quick drive and walk along the beach, but those photos will have to wait for the next post. Here are photos of our cooking and walk at the beach.




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Home cooking & a walk at the beach

Taken with my iPhone and edited in Lightroom

4 thoughts on “Home cooking and a walk at the beach”

  1. Nice seeing a slice of life from you!! And of course I noticed his mother’s flooring – ha. Love that last pic – a panorama? Gorgeous.

    I’ve celebrated a significant break up! Because he revealed himself to be such an a$$ that I could not help but be all “whew — dodged a bullet there!” 🙂


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