Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop | week 94

I ts social blog hopFriday again. There are four linking parties that I joined to find new friends on the WorldWideWeb. I would love for you to join me. Check out their blog hops and their participants and be surprised by what you might find.


This is from Hilary’s blog:

Please add the Follow Friday button to your post, or your blog.

Please follow me. Since Google Friend connect is gone, please follow through networked blogs, Facebook fan page or by email….If there is a co-host, please follow them as well. Leave a comment! I will follow back!
Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky and post on your blog… If you tweet, please use #F5-bloghop so I can find you…

Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. I really, really, REALLY can use statements…. If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Leslie from Time out for Mom – she came up with the last statement!

I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…


This week’s statements and my answers:
1. When I lie at the beach watching the clouds and listening to the waves I may as well be in a totally different world.
2. It is pretty funny that I (a German) live in the US now, but just started to work for a German company.
3. It may be strange but every night I check and make sure the cabinet doors in our bedroom are closed.
4. How living overseas made me a stronger person. That also wishes she could write better – LOL

Why not get every new post by me into your inbox without delay? You can by subscribing (click) here. Or you can follow me on facebook, google+ and twitter if you prefer.


Today’s blog hops are:

Let's Get Social SundayAloha Friday Blog HopFollow Who? Social Weekend HopPhotobucket


Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


Thank you for being my reader.




14 thoughts on “Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop | week 94”

  1. Lying on a beach and listening to the crash of waves would most certainly cure what ails me these days. but it is a whole world away sadly.
    I had the same bad habit with our master bedroom closet doors! I had to make sure they were shut before I went to bed. and if hubby left them open after he came to bed (he’s a shift worker so works nights), I’d wake up and have to close them. I am certain there is some deep psychological explanation that thousands of dollars might unearth the reason — but it was far cheaper to just have hubby tear them off. problem solved. 🙂

    • I am sorry to hear that you won’t be able to enjoy listening to waves to help you out. It certainly has a most positive effect on me, too.
      You did have that habit, too?! And you ripped out the doors?!? Wow! LOL


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