Guacamole in 10 minutes – a healthy appetizer recipe

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Last week of November’s Art Every Day and NaBloPoMo

November 28th

Day #28 of AEDM and NaBloPoMo – two more days to go *pant puff pant* and then November is done and I have my freedom back. Well, it is not that bad, really. But more on that subject during tomorrow’s Coffee Chat.

Today I have our guacamole recipe for you. This post has been sitting as a draft on my blog for almost exactly a year. Yup, I remember I was in the mood to take product photos, which I did as you see below, and shortly after which the guacamole disappeared very quickly. Then I wrote it all up on October 27, 2015 and waited for today to share it with you.

I cannot recall how many times we have made this dish in the meantime, but I dare say – David – it is high time to make it again, maybe next Sunday?

Guacamole recipe
Prep time
Total time
Great as an appetizer or as a side or staple for a Mexican dish.
Recipe type: Appetizer
Cuisine: Mexican
  • 2 Avocado
  • ½ or 1 lime (depending on how juicy they are)
  • 2 cloves garlic minced
  • ½ cup fresh cilantro
  • Sea salt (I use Bonfire of SaltWorks for it's smoky flavor)
  • Pepper
  • Cumin ground
  • Chili Sauce or Tabasco
  1. Mush the avocado
  2. add the lime juice first to keep the color a fresh green
  3. add the garlic, spices and cilantro
  4. round up with Chili Sauce to give it just the right kick
  5. for a change you may also add finely chopped red onion and / or tomatos

Enjoy & cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Product photos of Guacamole

Taken with my DSLR and edited in LR & PS

6 thoughts on “Guacamole in 10 minutes – a healthy appetizer recipe”

  1. These are great product photos. And I love guacamole. Ash makes it a lot. She loves to snack on it after school and who am I to say she can’t. I do like some tomato mixed in with my guac. 🙂

  2. HI Claudia, I’ve only ever made guacamole once and it was a disaster. If I remember rightly the recipe had diced tomatoes in, which I didn’t think worked. Needless to say the dish never went down well and I never made it again. However I would like to try your recipe as it seems much simpler. I’ll keep a look out for nice avos.

    I have posts that I drafted a long time ago that I keep meaning to share, but the time never seems quite right!

    Thank you for linking up with the #MMBC.



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