We are alone again! In case you have not seen part 1 of our herbs and doves story, you can find it here. Yes, our boarders have left. Actually a little sooner than we thought. And also too quickly to get some more photos. These are the last two that I took on Thursday. You can see the bigger one of the two little doves still snuggling up to Mama/Papa, suspiciously eyeing the intruder a.k.a. me. The smaller one was kind of hiding under the basil. Friday morning marked the first time that I saw the big babies alone in the nest without any parent. And no, I did not scare the parents away. But the babies had grown and, without us really knowing, were getting ready for the big jump (I guess that is kind of similar to humans, right?! Before you know it – they will be gone…).
It happened, when we were preparing for our Sunday breakfast on our deck. We did not see it happen, but when David went outside to check on them, he told me that the nest is empty and the two little ones were sitting next to each other on a branch in the tree next to our deck. It looked so cute! So, I ran inside to get my camera to get a last good-bye picture of them in the tree. However, within that little time they had hoppled-flown to the next branch they could get to and were too far away to get a clear picture, considering all the leaves surrounding them.
Oh well. I hope they will find a good place to live. So now, after cleaning the herb pot, we have our basil, rosemary and thyme all to ourselves again and enjoyed some of it in a salad Sunday evening. While we heard lots of ‘hoohing’ during breakfast and in fact the whole day, we never saw the dove babies again.
The End (of our herbs and doves story).
the beauty of life is in its flight……….life truely is fleeting……I love your post……we had a house wren’s nest and produced three babes that I did not record with pics. I regret that. but what I did observe is that when a brood is born in an area, they are directly moved in the process of preserving the breed; leaving the nest’. It is nature’s way of protecting the species………As much as I adored watching the quick process of nesting, eggs, hatching to launching from the nest…….I really enjoy having a brood moved into our realm and being ‘taught’ survival skills instead in my back yard. Mother Nature is never wrong…….we have much to learn…….
Loved your post.
You are right, Deb i.e. we have much to learn from Mother Nature… Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Terrific photos. There is such beauty in the simplicity of nature.
Thanks, Nicole. Very true words!
Nice post, lovely photos…we also had a dove nest in our tree and now the babies are visiting the birdfeeder with their folks! Also lots of baby sparrows and a family of blue jays, a young cardinal…it’s been a good year for the birds here. We did experience the ‘circle of life’ one morning when a hawk caught one of the young blue jays in our backyard. I hated seeing that but of course the hawk probably has chicks to feed too.
You are having a lot of birds ‘wherever you are’ 🙂 We have some more, too, but the doves are the only ones nesting that we saw. I can imagine how you felt about the hawk, and, yes, that is nature. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, Penny.
Hoffentlich geht das mit unseren Jungs nicht genauso schnell… es wird sich aber sicherlich so anfühlen!
Tja, ich befuerchte, das wird es, Catha. Hat aber auch sein Gutes: Dann hab Ihr wieder Zeit nur fuer Euch 😉
p.s. mein Email Programm streikt und noch zoegere ich via webmail zu schreiben…