Imagine: Alphabe- Thursday

In order to be a little more consistent in my blog posts I decided to try out and join round 5 of Alphabe- Thursday hosted by Jenny Matlock. If you have a moment please visit her website and check out her ‘terrific tangents’.

Jenny Matlock

I am a little late for class, so I am skipping letters A – H, which were gone through during the previous eight weeks and you can still check out the posts on Jenny’s blog. This week’s letter is ‘I‘. And what better one to start with for me?! ‘I‘ as in ‘image‘ or ‘instagram‘ or ‘imagination‘ or ‘interesting‘ – these are the first words I associate with it. Not very surprisingly these are all attributes of my current life.

Image – well, my photography business name is ImagesByCW and as the name says it is all about images, pictures, photographs. Some of these pictures are taken with my iPhone, oops, no, I guess I am too much into the letter ‘I‘ right now, because I actually have an android phone, which sometimes serves as a point and shoot, documentary kind of camera. Some of these shots are not all bad and when processed through the photo sharing application Instagram look quite cool. Plus they will upload automatically to both my facebook and twitter accounts. Every Wednesday I am also showing selected Instagram photos as part of the Wordless Wednesday World right here on my blog. Imagine that?! And there we are at the next word, verb, starting with this week’s Alphabe- Thursdays letter ‘I‘ – imagination. I don’t really know where to begin when I think about imagination. What would I be without it? What would you be? Or our world? Remember this quote by Albert Einstein: “Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.” It is what keeps life interesting, thus rounding off this week’s lesson about the letter ‘I‘.

See you all next week!








p.s. here is another example of ‘Imagination”


32 thoughts on “Imagine: Alphabe- Thursday”

  1. listening to John Lennon’s imagine always me think of the world and why we are not as peaceful as we should be.

    hope you have a great day.

    p.s. this font for entering comments makes me unsure what I’ve written since I cannot read it all that well.

    • Thank you, Lissa – yeah, the song makes me feel rather melancholic, too. Hence I tend to not listen to it too often.
      My website is a constant work in progress and I was working on the fonts, just had not gotten to the comments area yet. But – if you check now, I have at least changed the text area in the meantime. Thanks for the little push 🙂

    • Thanks, Jamie! Unfortunately the ‘I’ is my first and only one so far – sorry! I found out about Alphabe- Thursday too late…

  2. hi Claudio! Nice to see you join us in AlphabeThursday. I have an Android phone too (actually got it so I could bring on my trip). And I started leaving my camera behind and bring my phone with me everywhere, when taking photos! Imagine that! Lennon – a favorite too! {:-Deb

    • Thanks, Amy! I hadn’t either, but there are so many fun things out there on the internet… you just got to find and choose the right ones for you.

    • Thank you ever so much, Judie! Hmm, as mentioned somewhere before my website is not 100 % done yet and especially in the portfolio there is a lot, and I mean, a lot (!) missing. I am glad you like it 🙂

    • It is. And it just popped into my head when I had the idea for this post’s subject. Funny how it sometimes is so easy and then again… sigh…

  3. Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday. You may find before all is said and done that you Imagination will be tested time and again in order to come up with Interesting posts–but it is so worth it, especially when it comes time to visit other posters. You just never know where their Imagination might take you. I hope to see you at Alphabe-Thursday again.

    • Thank you for your thoughts, Wanda. I absolutely agree. It sometimes seems hard to find a suitable subject to write about. Since Alphabe- Thursday is a wide open one, I hope that I will succeed with it. See you next week.

    • I know, Anita, it is mind boggling at times. Also, before you know it, you have so many apps running on your phone that it runs out of juice quicker than you can think ‘oops, I need to…’ – LOL.

  4. I am in to the instagram right now. Its how I share and recieved updated photos taken on my phone and get pics of my grandchildren. Its a wonderful “I” function!~Ames

  5. It was certainly nice to have you visit my little blog via Alphabe-Thursday and it’s always great fun to get acquainted with a new bloggy friend. You are a standup photographer! My DH recently bought me a digital SLR, which I’m trying to learn how to operate and to capture creative images. None of my shots can compare to yours, though. lol I”m doing good, if I can just get my shot framed right. I’ll be looking forward to your upcoming Alphabe-Thursday link-ups!

    • Thank you so much for your kind words, Cathy. I’m looking forward to Thursday, too. I just hope that by then I can come up with a nice story. As far as a DSLR goes – they can seem a little overwhelming at first with all the buttons and programs, but if you keep trying you will soon get the hang of it. Feel free to ask me any question you have. If I can help, I will.

  6. Hello.
    Welcome to Alphabe-Thursday! You will find we are as varied as A-Z. We can be rowdy sometimes, but we’re a friendly bunch and Miss Jenny knows how to keep us in line! LOL
    Nice blog you have and nice entry too. Looking forward to seeing more of you in the coming weeks. Thanks for sharing & for the visit. See you later for letter “J”.

    • Oh yes, Andy, I totally agree with the entries being of big variety. But that is actually something I love. Seriously if every blog (style) were the same, it would be totally boring. I’ll see you again on Thursday.

  7. Hi! What an informative and fun link for the letter ‘I’.

    I keep getting ‘instagrams’ from people but I’ve never loaded the software yet!

    I tend to take a lot of pictures on my phone but it’s a regular old non-fancy one so they never come out really good! When I need good pictures that will turn out, I nag my husband into hauling is fancy digital camera along!

    Thanks for linking up!

    It was nice meeting a new Alphabe-Thursday’er!


    • Thanks, Jenny! Instagram photos do not really need a real good camera, since they get downsized anyhow. Just try it! I will try to stay on top of Alphabe- Thursday. I enjoy reading the other participant’s posts a lot.


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