Took the bait – hook, line and sinker

nablopomo_badge_2016   aedmlogored 

2nd week of November’s Art Every Day and also in NaBloPoMo

November 9th

Day #9 of AEDM and NaBloPoMo – their writing prompt for today is: What do you want to say to Hillary Clinton today?

I am speechless. Repeating what I said previously: I am not a political person, I never was and I never will. But this… it is early morning the day after and I just found out and am trying to wrap my head around it. I will not turn this post or my blog into a place for political banter (forgive my lack of better words), but I will admit that I am having difficulties envisioning our future here in the US right now.

On the other hand I am very happy that the election is finally over and I may look at my Facebook stream again. There was so much, really so very much, bitching and whining and hatred going on over the past weeks, I am very happy to hopefully see that gone.

Last night, when the election map just started to turn red, David noted that we (the US) survived eight years of Bush Jr. It is a scary thought, but also one of hope.

And that’s all that I am willing to say about politics here in my virtual house this morning.




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Took the bait – hook, line and sinker

Taken with my iPhone and edited in Lightroom only



4 thoughts on “Took the bait – hook, line and sinker”

  1. The view from up here isn’t much better — we definitely have worries about the future for our neighbours, and of course, how it affects us. Hopefully we can all strive forward in the best possible way. I don’t want to be depressed, or angry, or scared — those are all emotions an enemy loves you to feel and I will not give anyone that power. So it’s with hope and love we all can hopefully walk in now.

    Love the shot! ha – some angler thought he caught a big one. I did that once on the top of the boat shed. Duh. The addition of the spider web just makes it even more awesome.

  2. Hi Claudia, I felt the same on hearing that Donald Trump was President as I did when The UK left the EU. Total shock and disbelief. I feel for you. It is now Trumps turn to cut the rubbish and prove that he is a worthy leader… I do like your photo. Very cleverly used.

    Thank you for linking up to the #MMBC.



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