Instagram WW #23 *Bonaire*

#23 / 2015 – Instagram Wordless Wednesday linky – WW Hop!

To see my *(i)PhoneOnly* photos first hand connect with me on Instagram here

My first part of iPhone photo tips is now live – here!

Check out the second part of my iPhone photo tips – here!

And don’t forget to check back on Saturday for my brand new *(almost) anything goes* art link up: s~A(R)T~urday

p.s. You are seeing a gallery of my Instagram photos, because in the near future I intend to always post my Instagram feed from the previous week. To do so I am cleaning out the older pictures I have not published on my site yet. This will probably take me a few weeks. Until then, instead of one or two photos you will see galleries with a common (or not so common) theme like this one.


*** Here is where I link up today. ***

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


20 thoughts on “Instagram WW #23 *Bonaire*”

    • It basically ruined my vacation in the Caribbean in March, but it is finally getting much better. Still doing PT and will be for a while. There were two fractures and a sprain, grade 3 and 1 torn ligaments – not much fun, especially on the 3rd day of a two week vacation 😉 But I’m not complaining, it is temporary.

  1. Thanks for sharing your photo gallery. I always like seeing shots taken from a plane window ~ so neat! That’s something I’ll never do because I’m a big scaredy Cathy. 😀

    • The terrace the bottle shot was taken was basically my home for two weeks, after the accident. I crashed windsurfing pretty highspeed and jammed my foot into the seabottom, it broke, sprained and ligaments tore. It is much better, but will still take a while even though this happened back in March.

  2. the bottle shot is very cool – really like that one.
    Every time I see more pictures of Bonaire, I tell myself “you really need to put this on your bucket list!” 🙂


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