#9 / 2015 – Instagram Wordless Wednesday linky – WW Hop!
To see my *(i)PhoneOnly* photos first hand connect with me on Instagram here
My first part of iPhone photo tips is now live – here!
Check out the second part of my iPhone photo tips – here!
“On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless wednesday’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it does not need any description.”
*** Here is where I link up today. ***
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That’s such a cool progression – to see it go from cold to warm. Love that last shot!
Hehehe – the progression was exactly the idea behind these photos, Susi 🙂
Been enjoying the shots from your vacation! Have a great time!
I have been enjoying taking them, Mary. I hope I’ll get some more.
I love the juxtaposition between the first and last shots. Lovely.
And it was totally intended that way. Glad you liked it.
Loving the sea spray!
Thank you, Jaime. This is always the 2nd place we drive to when we are back on the island. The 1st one being the check in at the windsurf shop 🙂
Lookin’ like you are lost in paradise! Enjoy!
We actually do call it ‘our paradise’, Kathy. We really love it here.
Congratulations on being featured! Excellent WW. You have inspired me to try to be “wordless”, again. Hug.
Thanks a lot, Annie. It means the world to me if I hear that I have inspired someone. Really. Thank you. I hope I’ll be back to commenting, which seems to be bit difficult from here, getting through spam protections in the US. Oh well, but you know that ‘I’ll be back’ 🙂
well, your first photo is kinda similar to mine this week… but after that; nope. Completely different. I like your view better this week 🙂
Unfortunately I have not gotten around to seeing your post yet. My little vacation hiccup stuffed up a lot of things. But don’t you worry I will be fast.
Nice photos, but I just love the last one with the waves shooting high in the air! Beautiful!!
These photos are beautiful. my favorite is the pretty ocean waves.