iPhone art @ s~A(R)T~urday

Welcome to the weekend. Welcome to my iPhone art- Saturday  link up s~A(R)T~urday!

Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”  Salvador Dali

What can I say? I don’t want to sound like a broken record, repeating myself over and over. So, no apologizing for being absent. For not commenting. For not posting. For not being actively present on the internet. It has been one of those weeks. It started with a visit of our CEO and CFO from Europe to do an internal audit. Needless to say – a little nerve wrecking. But all went well – as far as I know.

Thursday I had the follow up with my doctor to discuss the results of the MRI from the previous week. Well, not a big surprise to her or my PT. But to me, it kind of sunk in that ‘when I do something, I do it well’. So, yes, it is a comminuted fracture in two places and yes, it is a sprain of my ankle. No problem, right? That is what I thought at least. Yes, it will heal, with time, a lot of time apparently. It has been three months, 12 weeks already and I am still not back to normal. Actually, fairly far from it.

I finally took the time and looked into sprains and things and translated everything, too. It turns out that a sprain is a torn ligament (Bänderriss in German). What is torn? It is my ATFL that is torn, a grade 3 sprain, which takes up to 6 months to completely heal and another one grad 1. Fun. What is even more fun is that some cartilage also got damaged due to the impact. And all of this makes it way more possible (probable?) that I will develop post traumatic arthritis at some point. Especially if I am unlucky enough to injure the same spot again. Meaning wearing an ankle brace from now on when I e.g. go hiking. More fun.

In any case, I still consider myself lucky, because I got the correct treatment right away and I did not need surgery and I am in good physical therapy. It will be a while and by the looks of it not this summer that I’ll be back running, but, I am back on my bicycle. And tomorrow will be a nice day and we’ll be out and about again, getting a little bit back in shape.

With other words, the week flew by, and no photos were taken or harmless bystanders harmed in the process. But – now I’m back and I did have time to do some iPhone art. You know during PT when e.g. at the end I’m icing my foot or on the stationary bicycle. All good spots and time to exercise that iPhone and some apps of mine. Here my the latest one, all iPhone and the texture was made with Citra Solv and an old National Geographic.

iphone, art

Last weeks last entry at s~A(R)T~urday was NatureFootstep’s entry. As the name implies, she has a lot of gorgeous nature photographs to show. And sometimes she decides to digitally filter, alter them! Well worth visiting every week:  NatureFootstep!

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

Please help me spread the word about my Saturday Art Linkup and grab my badge below:


<div align="center"><a href="http://ImagesByCW.com" title="ImagesByCW Photography"><img src="http://www.imagesbycw.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/sARTurday.png" alt="ImagesByCW Photography" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. My personal medium is photography and photo art, but I do not want to put a limit on my art link up. Thus I encourage you to join me, no matter which your art form is.
Please do not be intimidated that I am calling this an art link up. I want you to share your creations. Art is completely subjective. It takes courage and time to realize that you may actually call your own creations art. If you believe they are pieces of art, I believe they are. They may be good or bad or great – who am I to say?! I’d rather like to think along these words from Andy Warhol:

Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!



23 thoughts on “iPhone art @ s~A(R)T~urday”

  1. Claudia, I’m sorry to hear that your injuries are going to take longer to heal. I know that’s a real bummer for you, especially with the warmer months here and all you want to know is get out to enjoy summertime fun. I really love the colors in this morning’s photo-art. It so cheery feeling. I really enjoy soaking up your artistic ability. It inspires me to try new things! You can see my s-ART-urday contribution at the bottom of today’s post…What’s Going on #DrakeWhite. Have a songsational Saturday! 😉

    • Thanks, Cathy. It has really gotten pretty good. I mean, I am walking (sorta) and bicycling again. But this was the week that it sunk in how severe the injury was, is and that it will be a while until I will be back to normal. Now that it has sunk in I am o.k. again and ready to get better, slowly 🙂
      I love your lilac, bee photo – so pretty especially with your verse.

  2. That is so pretty Claudia! Really draws the eye and lots to look at. Glad you are much better and are able to ride and walk. Running will come, just you wait and see! 🙂

  3. your art is a colorfun and happy one.

    You are mentioning my blog below it. Thanks for the highlight but you got the name wrong. My alias is “NatureFootstep”, one word! 🙂

    And I was wondering, is this meme about iPhone art? Because then I´m wrong. I don´t even own one. I use camera and photoshop.

    Monica at NatureFootstep

    • Hi Monica, my meme is about any and all art. No matter if purely visual or written or… Hence also no restriction on how you create your art. In my case, I, too, use camera and Photoshop, but I also use, my iPhone camera and apps and I also use real water color and paper. What ever works for you is also fine for me, Monica. Thank you for linking up!

      p.s. sorry about your alias – I have fixed it 🙂

  4. I’m sorry to hear about the prognosis and that it wasn’t exactly what you wanted to hear, but I’m glad that you’re back on the bike and know what to expect now. I’m going through something similar with my shoulder – the ortho on Tuesday just told me what’s wrong with it and where I’m heading…as we go in to month 4 of the process.

    Great photo, as always! thank you for joining us for Photo Friday again this week!

    • Thanks, Jen, and likewise. Although you are right, it is, of course, much better to at least know what is wrong than always wondering. Now we have both have a sense of what awaits us. Hm, at least in this respect 😉

  5. Oh I am so sorry to hear that it will still be a long time before you are completely healed! but at least you do get to go out on the bike. I remember back when I fractured my ankle and it healed wrong – they had to rebreak it. hurt more the 2nd time!! LOL but it did take almost an entire year from the day I first injured it, to the day I finally felt I was walking normally again. Hopefully yours will be sooner.

    I love the addition of the National Geographic print. I am loving this challenge each week now that I am getting more familiar with Photoshop. This week was all about adding texture overlays …. and in the midst of that, how it all can actually apply to Life! it was quite a lesson learned. So yeah, I get a bit philosophical this week too. ha. Just another layer revealed. 🙂

    • Yes, at the very least I have got my trusty bike – love that! OMG – re-break it, that must be the worst. As I said, I am still feeling very lucky that I did not have to surgery or any of that.
      Did you google CitraSolv & National Geographic? That is really something fun. And works great for texture(s) – since you are now getting into textures 🙂
      Thanks for being here, and you, Les!

  6. Wenn ich das tolle Bild sehe, bedauere ich, kein iPhone zu haben und nix sonst und nicht zu wissen, was citra solv ist…
    Nun ja, ich kann natürlich auch bei Schere und Klebstoff bleiben (wahrscheinlich bei Sehschwäche sowieso besser)!

    Das hört sich ja grausig an mit Deinem Fusz, ein Bänderriss allein ist schon eine eklige und lange Geschichte (meinen Kreuzbandrisz im Knie vom 2000 merke ich heute noch, d.h. ich hatte damals keine KV für die nötige OP), da kann ich Dir nur alles Gute wünschen und dasz es trotz allem bald besser wird. Bewegungseinschränkung ist immer fies – da merkt man erstmal, was Gesundheit wert ist!
    Einen schönen Sonntag wünscht

    • Hmm, ja, schwer vorstellbar für mich inzwischen kein Smartphone (es muss ja nicht ein iPhone sein) zu haben. Aber ich weiss, gerade auch in Deutschland ist ein Handy eben noch immer ‘nur’ ein Handy 🙂 Das ist auch o.k. Dieses Bild habe ich zwar im iPhone kreiert, aber genauso gut hätte ich es auch in Photoshop oder einer der kostenlosen Varianten, die es im Internet gibt machen können. Ich bin sicher, das könntest Du auch. ABER, Du bist so gut mit Schere und Klebstoff in Deinen Kollagen – warum etwas ändern? Etwas neues ausprobieren ist natürlich immer mal gut, find ich jedenfalls.
      Oh Mann, Kreuzbandriss und keine KV bzw. OP, das hört sich ja noch viel grausiger an. Und 15 Jahre später spürst Du das noch?! Au weia, gute Besserung kann ich Dir da ja kaum wünschen, da das ja dann wohl schon chronisch ist, aber wer weiss – hoffen hilft allemal.
      Und absolut richtig – Gesundheit ist in jeder Hinsicht so wichtig und wertvoll und oftmals realisieren wir das erst wenn wir sie nicht mehr haben.
      Ich hoffe Du geniesst Deinen Sonntag ebenfalls, Mascha.

  7. Great linkup today! I’m not familiar with the National Geographic print!
    Sorry about the healing! Cassidy hurt his ankle in San Francisco pretty badly several years ago. He need physical therapy (I think he dated his doctor too… that guy..) and it took awhile to heal. I can say for sure that it never bothers him at all, but I know it was a delicate healing for awhile.

    • Thanks, Tamara. I didn’t know about it either until I took a real world art class some weeks ago. If you google CitraSolv and National Geographic you will find some amazing pictures made from it.
      I’m glad Cassidy’s ankle healed completely and he stopped dating that doctor 😀 I’m pretty sure that I’ll be fine again as well, I just need to be patient and keep on going to physical therapy – sigh – oh, and my PT is married and way too young, so no dating here – LOL

  8. That’s quite the recovery road you are on. I’m so sorry that it is so long to heal. Really makes one appreciate our bodies when they work well. I hope you will be back to normal sooner than you think!

    • It seems quite long. But I am lucky it is only temporary. It definitely feels good to see and feel the progress. We should all appreciate good health a lot more than we (I?) sometimes do, we really need to take care of our bodies.


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