Just because

What can I say, but – just because. That is why I am posting this photo tonight. Just because. Just because I can and just because I want to. The weekend felt really short after a pretty tough work week and a Saturday spent with migraine headaches. But today, Sunday was great. With such nice weather we had breakfast on our balcony. And as usual we loved it. We even came up with an idea for a story for David’s blog. A collaboration of sorts, you know, David = words, me = pictures. I know – finally. Yet unfortunately the weekend is already over and tomorrow morning it is back to work. Which means no story, no pictures etc. until next weekend. So, till then we will have to wait what this sneaky fellow has thought out for us. I think there is something brewing there, don’t you?

David - just because

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6 thoughts on “Just because”

    • I don’t want to complain too much about them, because it got a lot better = less often. I used to get them much more frequent. Apart from hurting, I find them very annoying, because I am not able to really do much – sigh. Oh well, they’re gone 🙂 Now I’m looking forward to next weekend and some co-op with David…


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