WIP (#3) manga drawing from sketch to color

nablopomo_badge_2016   aedmlogored 

2nd week of November’s Art Every Day and also in NaBloPoMo

November 7th

Day #7 of AEDM and NaBloPoMo – their writing prompt for today is: What was your worst Thanksgiving food fail? Let me think. Hmm, or maybe ask hubby, because before I met David there had not been any Thanksgiving festivities in my family. You got to remember that I am German and only came to the US five years ago. Thanksgiving is no big deal in Germany at all. Some regions or families celebrate St. Martin’s Day, which is on November 11, with a festive meal where roasted goose or duck (Martinsgans) is traditionally served as the main course. But our family did not.  And according to David, I did not have any Thanksgiving food fails (good answer, hubby!!) in the years that we have been together, thirteen years and counting.

Daily writing prompts suggests – hm, maybe I should ditch this one for now, because apparently I am always up too early for them. It is still on yesterday’s ‘relish’. Most mornings I really don’t feel very inspired to write much. I wrote the paragraph above last night. Plus, if you read yesterday’s post you may understand that I am feeling a bit anxious going to work today and sorting out our health insurance issues.

Hence below my latest update to my work in progress manga drawing. As you can see I have added more details to the background, the trees and made the girl a little curvier, less ‘stubby’. But the biggest change is that I changed the perspective. I didn’t touch the girl’s dimensions, but I decreased the house’s making it seem to be further away. Yes, it is exaggerated, but – it also is a comic.

Have a wonderful Monday and week and keep your fingers crossed for me.




If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

WIP (#3) Adding more detail and changing perspective

Created on my iPad Pro with ProCreate



3 thoughts on “WIP (#3) manga drawing from sketch to color”

  1. Oh boy could I tell some food fails!! Ha. That’s why I still do Thanksgiving dinner with my mom helping me do the turkey. Also, I hate touching raw meat… like eeeeewwwwww. LOL
    Love how the drawing is coming along.
    Hope everything gets sorted out!


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