An acrylic painting and mixed media in yellow and brown


Welcome to Friday on my blog

This has been one hell of a week. And there is still one more work day to go. That’s bad news, but also good ones… it’s Friday!! Almost the weekend, and a long weekend for me.

But for now I will be joining the McGuffy’s Reader and Friday Friendly Fill ins. I hope you’ll enjoy.

  1. Snow is something I enjoy for about two weeks of the year. For the rest of the time I could live without it and winter.
  2. My favorite kind of soup is , hmm, not sure if I have a favorite one, I like many. Recently I’ve come to like chowder, clam or lobster&corn – yum!
  3. When no one is around, I will dance like nobody can see me – hahaha – seriously, I sometimes do that. Crank up Youtube or Deezer or Pandora and for get about the world. But most of the time I will simply spend more time creating art (while listening to music).
  4. Creating art is my balance to the stress in my day job. Without it I’d go totally nuts.

There you have it. Now you know again a little more about me.

And for Paint Party Friday I am sharing with you a yellow(ish) acrylic painting, well, mixed media as I also used watercolors and gel pens. I meant to do a how-to video with this one, but… I stuffed up the files. So, what do I do? I am making another one. In blue! I will and then I have them in all three prime colors.Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

An acrylic illustration in red

in my sketchbook with gel pen added

13 thoughts on “An acrylic painting and mixed media in yellow and brown”

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I feel the same about snow, I have had my fill for the year 🙂 I love your art, very pretty. Have a great weekend!

  2. I really, really love this kind of art. It is like folk art that I tend to love, too. Awesome. I would put this up in my home in the U.P., when I get there. I love it. Those soups are good, too! I don’t dance, or sing, or whistle…but, I agree, we all need a creative outlet to keep us going. And sharing is awesome. See you sARTurday morning! Hugs!


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