New Years Eve 2012. The last day of this year and everybody is talking about making resolutions for 2013. I already mentioned that I am not much for those, though I did get feedback from some of you that they did work for them.
But these last days of a year are also a good time to reminisce about the year gone by. So here goes. My year 2012 was pretty much filled with
taking a lot of photographs
- applying new editing styles
- working on my website layout
- website layout
- being interactive / blogging
- social media
- meeting and making new, virtual friends
- my first (two) photography exhibitions here in the US
- selling my first prints and
- taking care of the household, house and doing renovations
Have I been successful? Yes, I think so. I definitely could have done better with some, but I am content with my accomplishments. Here is just one.
Yesterday I received my annual report from WordPress, my blogging software. And according to this report my blog had almost 16000 views in 2012! That is by no means big. However, the graphic shows beautifully when I started to put more emphasis on the blog, because visitors have gradually increased, December peaking right now at 3692!
The annual report also confirmed something that I already knew. My top four most active commenters these lovely Ladies, please check out their linked blogs/shops if you have a moment:
Debbi Decker of twistedpixelstudio + Etsy shop twistedpixelstudio
Jamie Lee of ChatterBlossom + Etsy shop ChatterBlossom
Deborah Jordan Sackett of Sackettdoodles + Etsy shop Skyspirit8Studios
Cathy Kennedy of CathyKennedyStories
Thank you all! Thank you for connecting with me throughout this year 2012. You cannot start to imagine how much it means to me that you kept on visiting and commenting on my thoughts. To properly thank you for being part of my achievements this year means, of course, photos. I would love to send each of you a set of two, 4×6″ or 5×5″ or 5×7″, of my photos. All you have to do is 1) choose 2 photos out of the collages below 2) send me an email with your choice and address and they will be on their way to you. Alternatively, if e.g. you prefer bigger prints, I’d be happy to swap this for a one time 25 % discount on any of the prints in my Etsy shop. Just let me know in your email.
Now, while I leave you with my latest creation: Our Lady of Mercy Whippany in fantasy color, all that is left to say to all of you out there in the WebSphere: Have a wonderful new year! May it bring you health, happiness and everything else you might wish for. See you in 2013!
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
Thank you for being my reader.
Congratulations on meeting your goals for 2012. Selling your prints is a wonderful accomplishment! I hope you continue to share more of your awesome photos in the coming year and make some more sales.
Happy New Year!
Thank you very much, Jamie. Of course, I will continue to pester you with my photos in 2013. You’ll see! 🙂
Happy New Year!
Claudia, how generous. You know what? Surprise me. Because anything you create is treasured by me.
I am thrilled for you that your year has gone so well. And I hope that 2013 will bring you more. You are a talented and fun person and I am honored to be considered a friend.
As an aside, I found the perfect frame for your/my castle print. I stumbled across a studded and gothic looking frame that is perfect and looks like it could have come right out of the castle that it will frame!
Happy New Year! Smooches!
Awww, that is so sweet, Debbi. Thank you for being my friend! Uh, a gothic looking frame for the castle, now that sounds fitting. Send me a pic when its hung. Happy New Year!
Hallo Ihr Lieben!
Euch auch ein fröhliches 2013 mit der Hoffnung, dass wir uns wieder sehen… 🙂
Die viele schöne Motive & eine gute Hand für die geschäftliche Entwicklung, David einen gesunden Fuß zum Surfen und genausoviel Spass beider Arbeit wie Dir!
Alles Liebe
Danke schoen, liebe Catha! Mit Deinen Wuenschen fuer uns, hast Du den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen. Hoffentlich geht davon einiges in Erfuellung 🙂
You are getting better and better! Keep it up! For a wonderful 2013 (love this numbers 🙂 Full of surprises and success! of course Cheers !
well, thank you, Dani 🙂 That is the idea. I cheers to surprises & success! Yeah!
Congratulations to you for a successful 2012 and congratulations to the lovely ladies who were there by your side through the year. Whichever photo of yours they choose they will be so happy I know, because your photography is beautiful!
Thank you very much, Sonja. I hope you had an equally successful 2012 and 2013 will be even better.
First off let me comment on Our Lady of Mercy in Whippany – it’s beautiful! Simply. BEAUTIFUL! Also many congrats on all the good vibes you’ve gotten last year through your photography, sells, editing techniques, and blog. That’s a great feeling, I know.
Next, WOWZA Claudia! I would love to have just about any of your photos. You’ have such a fabulous eye for photography. Let’s see, what would I like the most….hmmm…I love the dramatic effects of your B&W shots alot. Maybe you can send me pics from the 6th set of collages (ocean & clouds) the B&W photo and then the one in the right bottom corner. I’ll be sure to email you my address. Thanks a bunch. I’ll treasure these for years and years!
Hey Cathy, you are so very welcome! You are right, it really is beautiful to watch and feel the connection to other bloggers grow with time. As it did in 2012 for us. Got your email and I’ll be sending you those pics soon. Hope to see you around 🙂
I missed this post somehow! haha! Of course, it would be this one right?! 🙂
I must have been a busy bee for the holiday and didn’t get to stop by yet. Thank you so much for the shout-out Claudia! I have loved your blog and your photos so much and it has been fun getting to know you a bit more through the wonders of the blogosphere. By the way, I hope your finger is healing and feeling better! 😉
Yes, it would, Jamie, isn’t it always like that 🙂 Thank you for following my blog. Oh, and the finger is almost healed.
Very cool! I’m super psyched I found your blog! I love finding fellow photographers! Cheers!
Welcome, Cyndi, I’m glad you did find your way to me. I’ll be sure to check out your site, too.