Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop | week 92

I think from now on I might dedicate my Friday blog post to social blog hopping. There are, for now, three linking parties that I joined to find new friends on the WorldWideWeb. I would love for you to join me. Check out their blog hops and their participants and be surprised by what you might find.

Here are my answers to this week’s Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop:

1. Without fail, whenever I fly I end up in a place I love to see and explore.
2. I used to be a much more aggressive driver (yes, I admit it!), these days I am getting old(er) and much calmer (except for some doddlers at green lights that still drive me crazy – LOL).
3. When I retire I will live somewhere at the ocean and watch waves while reading / painting / photographing.
4. My greatest fear is loosing something or someone irreplaceable e.g. eyesight, husband etc.

Why not get every new post by me into your inbox without delay? You can by subscribing (click) here. Or you can follow me on facebook, google+ and twitter if you prefer.

This is from Hilary’s blog:

Please add the Follow Friday button to your post, or your blog.

Please follow me. Since Google Friend connect is gone, please follow through networked blogs, Facebook fan page or by email….If there is a co-host, please follow them as well. Leave a comment! I will follow back!
Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky and post on your blog… If you tweet, please use #F5-bloghop so I can find you…

Today’s blog hops are:

Aloha Friday Blog HopFollow Who? Social Weekend HopPhotobucket

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


Thank you for being my reader.




14 thoughts on “Follow Friday Four Fill in Fun Blog Hop | week 92”

  1. I already live near the ocean so I guess I won’t have to go far when I retire! 😉 When we used to fly we usually ended up in Germany visiting family!!! Happy New Year!

    • I’m envious already… we have just over an hour to drive to get to the ocean. Big improvement to when or where we lived in Germany! A happy new year to you, too, Susi!

  2. Thanks for visiting my site, leaving a comment and following! I am already following you via Networked Blog and already liked your Fb page–both under the name MarciaKesterDoyle. The blog hops you listed above are great–I participate in 2 of them and love them so far!!! Thanks again for sharing!

    • Thanks for the follow, Marcia. I”m looking forward to seeing you in the new year, here, on your blog or on one of the hops 😉

    • Yes, I cannot wait either to live by the sea. Right now I am longing for another vacation, which will always be by the ocean.

  3. Thanks for dropping by. I actually thought Q #1 was symbolic like fly as in a good mood. That is why I said I will sing. No doubt if it is literally flying on a plane will drive other passengers crazy! 😀

    Truly understood your answer to #2. Malaysians are not known for “calm” drivers no matter the age… 😀


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