A different view | New York City Photography

Iit is no secret: I spent the last few days in the City, stocking up a little on my New York City Photography. Here is a somewhat different view of one of New York’s icons. Can you tell which one it is? Leave a comment.

Click the picture to enlarge



And now to the regular feature of Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, I list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  .

If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is WILLIAM from SPEAK OF THE DEVIL who came up with the last statement.

This week’s statements:

feelingbeachiebutton 200x2001) Have you got a Christmas tree yet?

2) I was born in a hospital (I think. I am pretty sure.), in Bielefeld (ever heard of the ‘Bielefeld conspiracy‘??!), in Germany a long, long time ago – or so the story starts 🙂

3) I have never smoked at least as far as I know..

4) I can’t stand retail packaging (just let me get the freaking that I bought without having to get heavy tools to get to it!).

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


14 thoughts on “A different view | New York City Photography”

  1. We don’t have our Christmas tree yet – we get a real one, so probably after next week. and I keep it up until after New Years’ Eve

    I know I tried to smoke – sneaking my step father’s cigs, but I couldn’t inhale. It was awful!!
    can’t imagine how anyone learns.

    I was in NYC a long long time ago, but I believe that is the Chrysler Building. very unique architecture.

    • We always got a real tree in previous years, too. But this year I was thinking of skipping it, because someone *wink, wink* doesn’t want to have real candles with it… Remember we don’t have kids or pets. However, in the meantime I got over that and we’ll probably get one again and LED lights. Still have to get them though.
      Oh, I wouldn’t call that smoking though, Leslie. I did that, too. You have to try, well, just about everything! And I had the same reaction as you did, which is why I never ever tried again 😉
      YEAH – you got it right! That visit long time ago must have left a mark. o.k. the Chrysler Building, in my mind, will leave a mark anytime, just love it!

    • I have got no f….ing clue, Hilary. Seriously, I can understand to a point that they don’t want anyone to open the packaging in a store, but beyond that?! I can’t remember how often I came close or even did cut myself on those cussed plastics…

  2. What a foretaste of the overwhelming views and buildings that NYC may offer 😉
    Despite the perspective underlining the impressive hight of the Chrysler Building I like the light spots and the branches of the tree. The latter form an additional relation to ground earth, at least in my perception.

    Cheers, Michael

    • Well, only one week to go and you will see for yourself, if you will find yourself overwhelmed or not 😉 You are right, the light and shadow on the walls of Chrysler Building were one of the reasons I took the photo at all. See you soon!


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