I am not 100 % sure, but I think I have never shown you any photos of Oakridge Hanover NJ, where I live, here on this site, right? Since we have been here now for just over one year, I thought this would be a good opportunity. Plus I have taken a couple of quite nice pictures just the other week and I wanted to show them to you.
For those of you who do not know Oakridge, and I am sure you are the majority, this is a townhome and condo complex in Hanover, NJ. Building commenced in 1996 and was finished in 1997. Initially David and I favored a single family home, but after re-evaluating how much time we want to spend around the house, or rather NOT want to spend around the house, we decided that a townhouse would suit our life style much better. Everything on the outside of our house is being taken care of by the HOA and our monthly fee. Other things that sold Oakridge to us were 1) modern, open living space 2) two car garage (even though we still have only one right now) 3) close to David’s work. After a year, we still do not regret moving here.
Photos of our first Whippany fireworks for the 4th of July, 2011, as seen right from our house. The 2012 photos are much better and you can see them here.
October 2011 we had a few weather issues here in NJ. There was hurricane Irene, an earthquake in Virginia that we felt, too and then there was an early snow storm, which caused a lot of havoc due to the trees still having their leaves.
Spring time 2012 shows the beautifully landscaped trees and flower beds at Oakridge Hanover NJ.
And at last the sundown pictures I took a couple of weeks ago. One showing the Our Lady of Mercy church around the corner from Oakridge.
Wouldn’t you agree? It is a lovely place.