Two pictures. Taken at the same spot. At the same time of day. On a different day. The dawning of a new day. An ocean sunrise x2.
Click the pictures to enlarge
And now to the regular feature of Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:
Each week, I plan on listing four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me . If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Carla from Random Rambings! she came up with the last two statements! I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY NEED SOME STATEMENTS!
I would LOVE it if you could please help me spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…
This week’s statements:
1) I wear the color black a lot.
2) I think that art makes the world a nicer place.
3) Ugh! The cold is – already – getting on my nerves!
4) Living and working in Australia was a major accomplishment all those years ago.
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
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amazing beach shot…
Thanks for telling me about the linky – I just added you – sorry
I don’t like this cold either!
No problem, Hilary. Hm, I guess it goes with both of us loving the beach that we are not so fond of the cold…
I love the beach pictures. This week hubby took sky pictures from the car. How different everything looks.
Thank you, Judy. Uh – I love sky and cloud pictures, bet your hubby’s photos are amazing.
Wow. Those are two great shots. Amazing what a difference a day can make, isn’t it? So cool that you lived and worked in Australia – that must have been a great experience.
It sure is amazing. It also shows that most definitely you do not need sunshine and blue skies for a good picture. Oh, yes, Australia was great – in some ways, it will always be my fav…
That sunset is breathtaking! And I totally agree about Art. Except maybe abstract art. I don’t get those. Heh.
Thank you very much, Janice! Hahaha – ‘except abstract art, huh?! Well, I guess it depends. I do like to see abstracts in nature, but when it comes to e.g. expressionism – o.k. I give up, too, unless I like the colors 😉
What a great idea – to take at some spot, same time on different days. What a difference – but both are amazing in their own way.
Black seems to be the preferred colour.
And I so get you because my house is Infected with Cold right now too. ugh. Just. enough. already.
Australia is my dream trip.
You know, Leslie, I always wanted to take one of these 1-picture-per-season-in-the-same-spot photos. You know, like a tree/house/whatever in the different seasons. But I never found the right spot for it…
If you ever get a chance – go to Australia, it is awesome!
Beautiful pictures! Just breathtaking. I’m already over the cold. Brrr.
Thank you so very much, Brooke. Yeah, I don’t know the only good thing about the cold is… having a hot fireplace – LOL