A photoshop composite for s~A(R)T~urday

Are you curious what I have been up to? Being that I have been (and will be) pretty much off the grid as far as my blog is concerned?

I wish I could say that I have spent most of that time creating, but, in all honesty, it was mostly work work that occupied me. Physically and mentally. Somehow I cannot, come home from the office and then flip the switch and – create. I just cannot. This is what a typical evening looks like: Coming home, changing, working on blog or working out, making dinner, watching movie/series with hubby, go to bed. Boring…

Well, in between movie/tv and bed I usually have about thirty minutes of online time. Sometimes I am posting or answering comments, sometimes I’m on social media and sometimes I am writing a blog post, like I am doing now. On very rare occasions I also start creating. But that is dangerous. Because if I get into the swing, I totally forget time. Like the piece below, it does not look like much, right? But believe me, it took me hours. Hours that I was hardly aware how fast they flew by.

To give you an idea. I am participating in a Photoshop Artistry (Grunge) course and one of the lessons is to create a piece depicting my ~ past | present | future ~. There’s a lot to choose from, so I started the image by flicking through my photos Thursday night. I had the idea about a path leading…, found the picture of a canal, I took in a castle garden in Germany and then I stumbled across some Australia pictures. And I love Oz a lot, so that was it. My starting point.

I did not get any further on Thursday and Friday was work plus at nigh belated birthday dinner (yay!). But yesterday I spent from 11 am to 5 pm, with minor interruptions creating this pretty personal piece. As usual I am not entirely happy, but, hey, we are always learning, improving, evolving, right?! For those interested, here are the facts: The image is composited out of 12 of my photos, 3 textures, 1 frame (doubled), a script brush – making a total of 37 layers including adjustments. Yes, a Photoshop composite takes time (and processing power) and is a lot of fun.

composit, australia, new york

Because this is the 1st official image I created for this course, I will take this as the opportunity to also start something else that I had wanted to do for a long, long time. My very own link-up. I am calling it:


I know, I know, not a very original name and yet another link-up. But I truly love art. And over the past year I participated in a few art related blog hops and loved what I saw. It amazes me to see the abundance of creativity and all the different kinds of art forms people choose to express themselves. I would love to see more of it. I welcome all forms of art, limited only to the ability of being displayed on the internet. Here are a few examples: Photography, composites, mixed media and also creative writing, another wonderful art form, which unfortunately eludes me. Please join me, don’t be shy and show me what you have created over the past week.

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here or you may follow my blog with Bloglovin or my preferred reader Feedly.

Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


16 thoughts on “A photoshop composite for s~A(R)T~urday”

  1. That is seriously amazing!I often open Photoshop up look at it and then close it again. Still so intimidated by it. And I rarely have the time to sit and learn and watch tutorials… But I will, eventually! 🙂

    • Thank you, Susi. It is an amazing, but also demanding program. I think I said often that for most of the normal picture enhancements i.e. converting from raw to jpg, contrast etc. I use only Lightroom. Only when I want to do more or a lot more, like this, I am using Photoshop.
      I am sure you’ll get there. It took me a long time, too, next to our job there just is not enough time. Plus, there is always something more to learn.

  2. Mind.Blown.
    Do you ever look at something so fantastic, so beyond your own ability to even imagine.. and you’re just…. How?!! Like… how!!!? I don’t think I could ever do this (well, first of all, I’d never have that block of time just to myself! LOL), and I don’t even know if my brain is capable of envisioning it! So amazing my friend — this should be in a gallery.
    But poetry and writing? that I can do.
    Except not for this outing — I am just back from my hotel mini vacation and it’s just past 11:30 pm my time. but I will keep this in mind because anything that helps me become more creative on my blog: YES!!! give me more.

    • 🙂 Yes, I do, Leslie. All the time actually. And I guess that is part of why I want to create and learn more than I know at this point. I am by no means where I want to be with my art.
      Well, this amount of time in one block is also quite unusual for me, but sometimes… it just happens.
      I hope you’ll be back on Saturday with some of your writing. Since David just published his next part, he won’t be here for the party this week 🙁


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