Oh my God! I am running late, I almost forgot to post this week’s photo. And it is only the 6th one this year. Meaning many more chances to miss this opportunity. But there is a reason I almost forgot. Since I opened my shop on Etsy I have been busy getting it organized. And this week especially so, because I wanted to make it to at least 50 photos on there for purchase. So that people stopping by will have a selection to look at and not just one or two shots. It seems to be hard to imagine how much work that actually is, because not only need to have the best looking pictures (duh – an obvious one!), but you also have to present them well. Since I cannot have framed prints of all of them I created a photoshop frame, which gives you a pretty good idea of how nice photos look when they are properly framed. And then on top of that you need to do your homework concerning SEO (search engine optimization). I have just begun to scratch the surface of what makes a search engine like google, bing and yahoo find your photos, but I will get there. The only problem being that when you are selling through a marketplace like etsy or ebay you cannot ‘make’ google to crawl your shop, you have to wait for google or get the marketplace to submit it. Unfortunately etsy has got a big backlog and they are only permitted a fixed amount to submit daily to google. This means that I have to wait patiently for google to come visit my site. Until then I have no idea if my new seo keywords work or not – sigh. I will report back. In the meantime, if you are curious about my shop, here is the link (click to open in new tab).
This week’s photo is directly related to the shop, since it was my first feeble try of a product shoot. I had one of my photos printed as bookmarks and needed a picture to put it on Etsy. I thought I’d try this ‘low budget’, meaning no flash and/or reflector just natural light.