Portrait photos session – part II | Tina

So finally it is time for Tina’s portrait photos. And if you haven’t seen the ones I took of Sigi, Tina’s husband, you can have a look here. We took these photos after coming home from New York City, where we had spent the afternoon circling Manhattan. Sitting on the ship had left us with some energy, so spontaneously I packed a few things, camera, flash, stand and reflector and off we went to the Arboretum Frelinghuysen. Usually I go there to take photos of all the gorgeous flowers and trees and such. But that Sunday, I took portrait photos. And I had two very willing subjects resulting in some pretty photos, but have a look for yourself.

Please meet: Tina TinaHello, meet TinaGuess who I'm smiling at?The whole me, TinaTina
Sigi & TinaSigi & Tina
Awww… how sweet is that?Awww...

There you have it, portraits may not be my main focus, but it certainly is fun. And anyone willing to pose for me… just let me know. But now it is time for some Sisterhood Stories. So please check out Kay’s story today, no doubt accompanied by wonderful photos at Kay Maguire Photography.

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12 thoughts on “Portrait photos session – part II | Tina”

  1. I love that last photo. And sometimes posing adults, or letting them pose themselves is tricky. It’s clear to me that she seems comfortable in front of the camera. Or in front of you! Which is great.


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