Reminiscing Fall | Photography

Iam reminiscing fall – why? Well, have a look at this photo and then have a look outside. Well, at least where I am, it is pretty miserable today, wet and cold. If you follow my blog, you probably already know that I prefer summer and spring. But the colors of fall… they are something special. One of my favorite fall photography pictures from this year.

Click the picture to enlarge



And now to the regular feature of Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, I list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  .

If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is LESLIE FROM TIME OUT WITH MOM who came up with the last statement.

This week’s statements:

feelingbeachiebutton 200x2001) I don’t remember the last time I truly did just do nothing, just relax and not worry about a thing in the world. (If I think about, I’ll probably do remember though…;))

2) Sometimes I wish cell phones were not invented (just mobile internet – hahaha).

3) I love when someone knows you are having a rough time and cheers you up with a bouquet of flowers sent to your office.

4) If I could I would shoot and process photos all day.

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!


12 thoughts on “Reminiscing Fall | Photography”

    • I am absolutely with you, Debbi. You know how I love the different skies. For some reason I haven’t seen very many really great ones this time around. Probably because I’m in the office all day 🙁 It should be getting colder this week and your wish came true – right now the sun is shining 🙂

  1. That’s a beautiful shot – the colors are so vibrant and the bokeh is awesome. Love it. I do miss fall and all it’s glory sometimes, especially when I see all these beautiful pictures but after fall comes dreaded winter and I don’t miss dealing with that – at all. Love your fill ins too – I miss having that time for photography and editing after – I do most of my photography with my phone now – and I’m glad I have that. It feels pretty special when I lug my big camera out… 🙂

    • Speaking of dreaded winter – today we’ll be staying in freezing temperatures all day! Time to light the fireplace 🙂 And photography? Yeah, I so relate to your feeling towards the camera and the phone. Working full time unfortunately does that to us – sigh. But there are a few vacation days and some of them to be spent in NYC coming up – hehehe – that means: D800 to the rescue 😀

  2. Personally — I’d like it to if you just took pictures and shared them will us all day. that’s a great shot.
    the last remaining leaves are all covered with snow – our first big snowfall of the year is happening right now.
    Flowers 🙂
    they are nice any time, aren’t they. I miss my garden now.

    • You’re so sweet, Leslie 🙂 I saw your snowy picture on fb. I really don’t like winter, but I know, once the first snow falls and/or everything is white, I will be right there uuuuh-ing and aaaah-ing and taking pictures – LOL

  3. I like the warm and vivid colors in this beautiful autumn image. The light spots and reflexes underline the strength of the sun which we are all missing these days. Thank you, Claudia, for this impressive document of reminiscence!


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