
Saturday was a beautiful late summer day or is it early fall?whatever you call it, it was beautiful. Warm enough to have one more bike ride in shorts. And even to have dinner on the balcony while the sun was still shining.

All photos taken and edited with the iPhone 6.

These purple beauties always remind me of home and my childhood. My grandma had then in her garden in all different shades of purple.

Purple fall flower
Backlit autumn leaves – it hardly gets any better.

Backlit leaves
See those veins, the detail.

Leaf Detail
Bright red among deep green.

Red Leaf
Can you see the steam rising from the bolognese?

Bolognese & wine
Good company, food and wine – aaah, good times!


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Posted directly from my iPhone

8 thoughts on “Saturday”

  1. All those with that new phone?? Awesome picture taking capabilities it has then. Bet you are thrilled!! They are gorgeous! Although I supposed I should say that David’s pic is handsome rather than gorgeous! LOL

    • Yes, Debbi, you can tell by all the typos – hahahaha! Yes, I pretty much love it, but then again I also loved the 5. But the screen is a little bigger on this one. Hehehe – David will love your comment when he gets back home 🙂

  2. You have such a nice grasp of your iPhone. It’s stunning. People always put so much weight into camera/lens, but I think we both know it’s about the user and how well they know what they’re working with.
    You, my dear, are a pro with the iPhone. I am not. You’ve inspired me to experiment, though. I have been making hilarious slow-mo videos of Des.

    • Big YES to that, Tamara. A camera/lens/iPhone is a tool. Some can handle it quite well, others – not so much 🙂
      Awww – that is so sweet of you to say. I really had to let your comment sit there a while before I answered, well, a lot of work also prevented me from that, but… thank you very much for your compliment. And honestly, when it comes to taking pictures with the phone, it really comes down to ‘seeing’ and ‘getting the right angle’ + a little in-phone editing. And with your talent and eye, you’ll get the hang of your new toy in no time. I am very sure of that. See, I have not even touched the video or slow-mo button on my phone yet – LOL

  3. Ah, gorgeousness. Everywhere! The flowers, the leaves, the fall colours, the pasta… the wine!! And yes of course the company too! *waves hi*
    now I’m gonna go cry because by the time I get the 6 — they will have come out with the 8! LOL

    • Thank you so much, Leslie! 🙂 But you know I should really read and get rid of all the typos on the iPhone. PLUS, wash those glasses and DRY them to get them spotless, for the photo – LOL
      Aaaah, it is only a phone… You just got your shiny camera you are getting really accustomed to. Spend even more time with it! Wait, no, you wanted to do more writing. So, do that 🙂


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