Of course, today’s sunrise taken with my iPhone 6 after yesterday’s sunset was a total washout.
As for the iPhone 6 camera – it did not disappoint and the focus seems to be faster. Further testing is required.
Focus on tiny details? Check!
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You already know what I think of the first one. Very nice second shot and the details are nice and crisp on my monitor.
Yes, I do 🙂 Hmm, maybe I mucked up the second one a little with too much editing… but I like it anyway. Thanks, Debbi
since I am still working with the camera of the 4s — these are amazing to me! Oh my gosh… so jelly!! you have to let me live vicariously through you – so take lots of shots and let me know what I am missing! 🙂
I guess you are something of a masochist, huh?! 😀 But you know that I will post more iPhone photos – soon, so I guess you will just have to suffer – bwahahaha
p.s. Happy Sunday!
I put one of my first photos up on Facebook today and got to see how it looks on the big monitor rather than just the tiny phone screen.
It’s so much better!
I never had the 5. I had the 4S so this is a huge jump.
I bet it does! I think they look pretty good here, as well. The 5 was my first iPhone. And in all honesty, I would not have needed to go for the 6. Photos and everything on the 5 were fine. To be even more honest, buying the 6 was a bit of a ‘comfort buy’ getting something new and shiny (I am not into buying shoes or bags or that stuff – LOL) 😉
Wow that is a dramtic sky. You did good!
Great details in the 2nd shot. Looks like you are going to be enjoying that phone for sure.
Well, it was a a real nice sky, but sometimes a little editing gives it the real feeling as I have seen or felt it 🙂 Yes, I am sure I will be enjoying this phone’s camera for a while.
I still haven’t made it out to take a peek, hopefully next week/weekend I’ll have a chance. Love the cloudy sunrise.
Thank you, Susi. I honestly don’t think there is any need to rush. You’ve got the 5s or c, right? Really, the 5 is very o.k. at this point. But, I know, we are kinda alike – new electronic toys yay!!!