Seaside Park NJ ~ Alphabe- Thursday

This week’s letter is ‘S‘ for

~ Seaside Park NJ and Sandy Hook~

Sandy Hook, New Jersey, windsurfing

Sandy Hook, New Jersey, ocean, seagull, waves, beachOn this week’s travel post I won’t take you very far, but stay in the US, in fact in New Jersey. The first time I came to Seaside Park NJ and Sandy Hook was just over a year ago, July 2011. A couple of months earlier we had moved to NJ and I was taking a trip by myself scouting for places to go windsurfing. Among them was Seaside Park NJ, but that particular day I found nobody there, so I continued to Sandy Hook. When you travel to Sandy Hook from the north you have to cross a bridge, from which you have a magnificent view of 1) the bay 2) the ocean 3) Sandy Hook and 4) south to Sea Bright. Unfortunately when you are driving like I was, the view will be gone very Sandy Hook, NYC, skyline, beach, sand, ocean, cloudsquickly and you have to decide whether you want to go right or left, to Sandy Hook or to Sea Bright. I, of course, drove right and being July and Sandy Hook a national park I had to pay an admission fee to get there. The fees are ($15 per car in 2012) waived from Labor Day till Memorial Day. I had read on the internet that for windsurfing parking lot C is the spot mostly used, so that is where I went. I first checked the ocean side, but only found sun bathers. After a few first photos and a view of the NYC skyline I headed to the bay side.

Sandy Hook, New Jersey, windsurfingSandy Hook, New Jersey, windsurfingAnd guess what? I had found my first New Jersey windsurfers, Jerry and Tony. Yes, I know their names, because I also made first contact. The wind wasn’t really that strong and they were both taking a break and stood chatting at the shore, holding their windsurf gear. So, I went up to them, introduced myself and pestered them with questions about the windsurf spot, before they went off for another run. I hadn’t surfed in four months, because our gear was still in a container on the Atlantic, so I was really itching while I watched them. Here are a few more photos I took that day.


windsurfing, sandy hook, sundownwindsurfing, sandy hook, sundownSundown, Sandy HookSandy Hook, bird

Naturally, since it is just over an hour away from our home, we made Sandy Hook, fun fest 2011, windsurfing, hdrSandy Hook, windsurfingSandy Hook our ‘home spot’ for windsurfing and have since returned many times. We met both Jerry and Tony again, as well as a few other windsurfers. September last year and also this year saw the annual Fun Fest @ Sandy Hook by the New Jersey Windsurfing and Watersports Association. Unfortunately I was not able to go this year, when they had a lot more wind, but last year I was there. Not to participate, but to take photos. These are some of them. The full post incl. photos can be found here.

Sandy Hook Fun Fest 2011Sandy Hook Fun Fest 2011Sandy Hook Fun Fest 2011Sandy Hook Fun Fest 2011

Seaside Parkwindsurfing, seaside park, new jerseyAnd finally this year we also made it to Seaside Park NJ. The day before I flew to Germany a couple of weeks ago, we had the best wind forecast in months. So, naturally we skipped preparing for my trip and instead went to Seaside Park NJ for windsurfing. Due to the very strong wind forecast we only packed our smallest gear, but even that was too big! Nevertheless we got a few hours of fun, overpowered windsurfing in. And we got to know a new spot, too. These are some of the photos from Seaside Park.

I have, however, uploaded more photos including several other windsurfers here.


windsurfing, seaside park, new jerseywindsurfing, seaside park, new jerseywindsurfing, seaside park, new jerseywindsurfing, seaside park, new jersey

And that’s it for this week’s travel with the letter ‘S’ – hope to see you soon again.

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Jenny MatlockThis is my contribution today to round 5 of Alphabe- Thursday hosted by Jenny Matlock. If you have a moment please visit her website and check out other ‘student’s’ work and her ‘terrific tangents’.

32 thoughts on “Seaside Park NJ ~ Alphabe- Thursday”

    • Oh, it is!! Have you tried to windsurf, Debbi? Maybe during it’s high(est) time when you were in Germany? Just kidding. Seriously, once you get past the first hurdles, it is not that difficult. Unless your goal is to jump and slide around like one of the pros – LOL – not me!!

    • Hi Jessa, thanks for your visit and comment. Very true, there is way more to New Jersey than what is commonly believed. I only got here a year ago, so I am pretty un-biast or un-conditioned or… 🙂

    • It is, Jamie, about 1.5 hrs from our house. Which is a big improvement to our windsurfing spot in Germany, which was more like 5 hours away 😉

      • I fell in love with Sandy Hook a couple of seasons ago. It takes me 1.5 hour to get there but I make it my business to head out there at least once a week. I like your pictures very much.

        • Hey JPonHudson, that sounds almost like us. It takes us about 1 h 15 to get there, but it is our closest sailing site and we love it 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!

    • Is it ever too late to start something new? Well, I guess with sports you have to be careful, but I have seen windsurfers well into their 70s and they rocked! Btw I only started (or re-started) when I was in my mid 30s. Thank you for your visit, Esther!

  1. People make a lot of jokes about New Jersey, but it is really a beautiful state. Your photos are wonderful, and that beach looks very inviting. I’m afraid I am a little too old for windsurfing, but it sure looks like fun!!

    • It really is, Judie. Since I have moved here a year ago, I have seen a lot of nice places and always wondered why it is that New Jersey has such a bad reputation. Oh well, I like it, especially our beaches to go windsurfing 🙂

    • Hmm, I guess that is pretty normal, Jamie. Once you live somewhere, most people hardly take the time to explore beyond their city’s boundaries or at least a little further away. I am just as guilty, just ask me about my hometown’s area – LOL!

  2. Beautiful sunshine and windsurf shots! I have never tried to windsurf, but would love to! …on my “things to do” list :o) amongst other fun things like zip-lining, paddle surfing, going through a corn field maze, etc…

    Good to hear that you found the perfect place to windsurf :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind comment about the art I do :o) Come back any time…and check out the other art that is drawn entirely with a name :o)

    • Hi Maria, and thank you! There is a 1st time for everything, right? You just got to do it! The most important part is to have the imagination, hope, openness to the new and the will to at least try. Windsurfing is learned best with a good (i.e. certified) instructor, because the zillions of times you fall into the water can be pretty discouraging, unless… But it is so much fun! As long as you love the water 😉

  3. What memories the name Sandy Hook brings back to me. We used to sail from across Raritan Bay to Sandy Hook and the Atlantic Highlands when I was growing up. Every weekend! I believe I know the bridge you’re talking about. And I was saying to myself “take a right to Sandy Hook!” When we sailed there and dropped anchor in the little cove, there was NOBODY on the shore! We’d swim off the boat and row the dinky to shore, pull it up on the beach and walk amid the seaweed and shells. Don’t believe the location at that time (in the 1950s and 1960s) was a national park. What fond memories! Thanks for the photos! {:-D

    • That is great – I am happy that my photos could bring back some great memories for you. Thank you so much for sharing them a little with me/us 🙂

  4. Wow. Wind surfing looks like it would be amazing! I bet it feels like flying.

    All your pictures were superb.

    I’m always excited when the link opens to your blog.

    It feels like a treat to visit you!

    Thank you for that.


    • Thank you, Jenny. I am glad you enjoy your visits on my site. And YES, windsurfing does feel like flying. Just came back from one of these ‘flights’ 🙂


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