Stunning flower power through a child’s eyes


Welcome to the weekend on my blog

Guess what I am still doing real-world (as opposed to digital) mixed media art. But, I got to admit I am itching – really, really itching to get my hands on a digital brush on my iPad Pro or my Wacom Cintiq again. Soon.

But first things first. After finishing the series of wintery fantasy girls with different skin tones alongside Tamara Laporte’s online class ‘Winter Soul Flakes’, I started with a piece completely of my own imagination and doing. And, of course, it is not finished yet. I cannot even blame my work, which while I am busy, I am not really staying late at night.

Honestly, there was and partly still is a bit of in-decision – pretty unusual for me in real life, I may add – in the detail work, the finishing touches. But I am making progress. As you may see, this piece is a bit more 3D, I used a molding paste for some of the flowers’ stencils. The same molding paste I used when gluing flowers on to each other, to make them stand out a little and giving a bit more of a depth effect. Which works to some extent, but not quite as much as I had intended. So now, I am trying to bring out more of it. Once done, I will do the work on the butterflies, the background and – of course – the little girl’s hands, too.

And then – on to something else for a change. I always seem to feel the need for change. Do you know that feeling?

Anyways, have a wonderful weekend!Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Mixed Media Mom with girl – WIP

4 stops along the way to the yet to be finished piece – created on mixed media paper using lots of tools

(Remember – you may always click on a single photo in the gallery to view it enlarged.)

11 thoughts on “Stunning flower power through a child’s eyes”

  1. oh how beautiful Claudia!! Don’t you just love when a class takes you to create a more personal piece such as this? Saw your comment to me- and yes, I really enjoy moving from style/project on a regualr basis.Keeps things fresh for me:) Happy PPF!

  2. I’m learning to understand that artists like to move from medium to medium and do different things… Ally is constantly using different things and doing different stuff, she can’t seem to help it. Of course, my wallet is not impressed… this stuff gets expensive! But seeing the end results and how diligently she works on some pieces is amazing.
    Your piece is awesome. I love the colors you used.

  3. Loving the purple hues in this. Art has kind of taken a back burner for me in the past year. I am, however, doing a new dollhouse. There will new techniques to learn doing this and all the research I have had to do to get it “period right”. Fun though. I love to learn about history.

  4. Claudia, I love how you make your art accessible to everyone. No matter what medium you use, it is always relatable and easy to connect to. The colours here are so vibrant. I like the contrast of the background. Amazing. Thank you for sharing your artwork. You inspire. Hugs.

  5. What a sweet painting! Change is key in mixed media art, isn’t it? I love new product and experimenting with new techniques. Happy PPF!
    ~~ Irene


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