Welcome To The Fascinating World Of Whimsical – Version #3


Welcome to Sunday on my blog

Gooooood morning! You knew this was coming, right? Of course, you did. Here is the third part of my little journey into a whimsical world of winter. It is inspired by  by the wonderful Tamara Laporte and her online class ‘Winter Soul Flakes’, where we are to create mixed media art pieces showing three girls having all different shades of skin tones and their furry friends. I started with the light skinned version, which I showed you two weeks ago (here) and the medium skin tone last week (here).

Now it is time for number three, a whimsy girl with pretty dark skin and her teddy bear. Let me just tell you it was not easy. I have not been drawing a ton of human, but still, when I do I usually tend to draw light skinned ones. So, this was definitely a challenge. I also mucked up the symmetry of the face somewhat, so I had to re-do some parts. Thankfully this is a mixed media piece i.e. gesso and acrylics, people! But… in the close up and in real life you may still see it. Having said that, you may think it’s supposed to be that way. Did you notice that I also used some shiny iridescent india ink for the background, but also for the ‘snow’ splatters? Those india inks a very potent, and I love them.

Along with the darker skin the whole painting happened to be darker, the colors, the mood. Most likely it is a reflection of my own mood last week. See, I am usually painting before I go to work in the morning and then again when I get home. Now, there were some issues at work with our biggest customer that had to be worked out. And apparently this transferred over into my painting, I think. Then again, maybe I’m just imagining that.

This is the third and last girl in this particular series. But not to fret, Tam has got plenty more inspiration and courses to choose from on Willowing.ning. And I just happen to own another two, or three? So, that’s what I’ll be doing this weekend.

More painting, more creating, more art!

Have a wonderful weekend!Cheers,



If I have time I will be linking with one or more of the fine people in this collection – check them out!

Mixed Media Winter Girl Paintings #1 – #3

(Remember – you may always click on a single photo in the gallery to view it enlarged.)

Mixed Media Winter Girl Painting #3

Created in my sketchbook using lots of tools

(Remember – you may always click on a single photo in the gallery to view it enlarged.)

19 thoughts on “Welcome To The Fascinating World Of Whimsical – Version #3”

  1. These are so incredibly inspiring. They need for their stories to be told! I can feel the cold and hear the winter wind whispering. I really like these, Claudia. Your art always moves me to think and feel. Thank you. Hugs.

  2. Love her and her teddy bear. To my very untrained eye your drawings/paintings/sketches always look amazing! Can’t wait to see more. Have a great weekend!

  3. First of all thank you for sharing the links to your previous girls or I would have missed them. They are all just darling and the details are spectacular!! I almost took this class-and am always so tempted especially when Tam has sales but I still have other classes of hers i have yet to get through- I have the whimsical faces or whimsical girls class (I think that’s what it’s called) and Tam’s Lifebook 2015. Just got through the Quirky Birds classes and loved it. I get so much out of her lessons! What else are you signed up for? Enjoy, and happy PPF!

    • Hi Linda, so glad you popped over and that you like my three girls. Tam’s classes are really affordable and at a sale – they’re a steal. I got this course and the Magical Mythical Makings when I signed up for Lifebook 2017. I am totally behind on Life Book, but that’s o.k. as you can download the content. My first Willowing course was Fabulous Faces and I may also have Ultimate Whimsy and some free content. As you can tell I love to learn and art lots of things. Now I got to check out the Quirky Birds.

  4. Your girls are beautiful and the colors of their skin ravishing. It is hard to paint the darker skin and yet in life it is just the presence of more melanin or a pigment that should be easy to duplicate … but that said, I think it is the difficulty of showing details in the dark skin that makes it harder. I must say you did well. I will have to try it myself sometime though I am not good at painting so it will probably never show up in my blog, but fun to experiment. Your posts are fun as always and your talent still amazes me.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. Claudia,

    You’re doing such a great job with this series! I’m curious did you paint your design on black paper or did you add the dark background? I love the layers and texture! 🙂

      • Claudia, thanks for letting me know. I’ve seen artist who start off with a dark canvas for their work but now that I think about it I can’t recall how they achieved this. Hmm.. oh well…I wanted to tell you that you’re nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by little ole me. Stop by my site to check it out, HERE for details! This is meant to be fun, so if you wish to not accept then you won’t hurt my feelings. Have a funtastic day!


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