Ticino ~ Alphabe- Thursday

This week’s letter is ‘T‘ for

~ Ticino, Switzerland ~

Locarno / TicinoLocarno / TicinoThere were several possibilities from my travels to pick for this week’s letter ‘T’. However, we are having visitors from overseas at the moment and when I talked to them they immediately suggested ‘Ticino‘. In case you are not familiar with it, the Ticino is the southern most state or canton, as they are called, in Switzerland. It is often called Italian Switzerland, because Italian is the official language there. But don’t worry, if you speak and understand Swiss-German you are o.k. – just kidding! Like in almost all European countries you will find it easy to get around with English. However, the proximity to Italy cannot be overlooked in nature, architecture and people.

Lago Maggiore / Locarno / TicinoLocarno / TicinoLocarno / TicinoLocarno / TicinoLocarno / TicinoLocarno / TicinoLocarno / Ticino

Valle Verzasca / TicinoSince I lived and worked in the German part of Switzerland for five years, I visited the Ticino several times. I loved the Mediterranean feel and ease of everything while still being close, in fact, very close to the Alps. Most of the time we stayed in the town of Locarno, which is right at the Lago Maggiore, one of the north Italian lakes. Noticed that I said ‘Italian’? That is because the Lago Maggiore is divided. The most northern part belongs to Switzerland and the bigger southern part to Italy. Staying in Locarno therefore gives you almost endless possibilities to explore two countries, a famous lake and the Alps. Can I say anything else?

Valle Verzasca / TicinoThe one place that we would always go to at least once during our stay, is the Valle Verzasca, the valley of the river Verzasca. There are other river valleys to visit and just as beautiful, but the Verzasca is most likely the best known one. Hence it is also very difficult not to end up being amongst a zillion of tourists when you go there. One thing that helps, is to go while the weather is not that good or to go slightly off-season and not during school holidays. A couple of times we were pretty lucky as you can see by the photos – hardly any people there.

Valle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / Ticino

Valle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / TicinoWhen you go there you have to be prepared for a very (!) narrow and very winding road along the river valley on one side and rocky mountain on the other. Quite fun, but also dangerous. Don’t be surprised if you hear the honk of a horn, it is usually a fellow driver around the curve warning oncoming vehicles. The first landmark you will see is the Verzasca dam. It is huge and you can walk on to it, if you find a spot to park your car, and you can even go bungee jumping from it. Driving onΒ  you will get to the old Roman bridge at Lavertazzo, where you can go for a hike or a swim (Warning: The water is icy cold!). Here a lot of people stop their tour of the valley.


Valle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / Ticino

Valle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / TicinoHowever, if you continue to the end of the valley, you will be rewarded by fantastic views of the Alps and the local village of Sonogno. This is an absolute pearl to walk through, to check out the local art shops and stop at a grotto (tavern) for a drink or meal and to take in the views. While I am writing this, I am already wishing myself to be there – again… sigh… In Sonogno you can also take a closer look at the stone or slate houses, very unique and picturesque. Just as the mountains and many smaller and bigger waterfalls you will see while you are driving along.



Valle Verzasca / TicinoValle Verzasca / Ticino

I hope I managed to wet your appetite to go visit the Ticino. I know that I would certainly love to go. So that’s it for this week’s travel with the letter ‘T’ – hope to see you soon again.

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Jenny MatlockThis is my contribution today to round 5 of Alphabe- Thursday hosted by Jenny Matlock. If you have a moment please visit her website and check out other ‘student’s’ work and her ‘terrific tangents’.

21 thoughts on “Ticino ~ Alphabe- Thursday”

  1. Wow, how beautiful! I’ve never heard of Ticino, but looks like it has the best of everything, a cute cobblestone town and beautiful views of nature.

    • It is, especially compare to the USA, a tiny region in Switzerland and it truly is beautiful. Thank you for visiting and commenting, Holly.

    • The Garda lake is also very beautiful. Although my favorite lake or city in that region is Como at Lake Como. Thank you, Gattina.

  2. Yes, I DO want to go. Someday I’ll get back to Europe. I spent several months in Germany when I was young, and my new daughter (foreign Exchange student) is from Germany, so I hope that someday after she returns home, we can go visit.

    • That sounds wonderful, Paige – you were in Europe – you have someone here from Europe – and you plan to visit again. I like your spirit to go and explore!


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