Weasel & Gnome: Part I

Weasel & Gnome: A story for kids (of many ages).

‘Howdy! We are Nikita ‘Nicky’ Gnome (I’m on the left, wearing orange) and Walter ‘Wally’ Weasel (well, in that case, I am on the right, of course, in blue) and we both are very pleased to make your acquaintance!’

W&G: ‘You can call us as Nicky (G)nome and Wally Weasel, although most refer to us as Weasel & Gnome. How would you like to join us on our adventures and travels with our boss? It may get quite interesting over time, believe us.’


randomosityWW: ‘Want to know what we’re doing here today? So do we. Ahem – o.k. well, how shall we say, our boss, psst – she’s German, so don’t mess with her – said she needed models. She needed a ‘reason’ to go and shoot someone to…’

NN: ‘… whaaaat?! Shoot someone? Us?! Not us, right? Boss likes us, Wally, doesn’t she?’

Nicky Gnome & Wally Weasel

WW: ‘Calm down, Nicky! Of course Boss is not going to SHOOT us. She.is.going.to.shoot.pictures.of.us.

NN: ‘Oh o.k., pictures… I like pictures 🙂 Waaaaaiiit – I need to check my hair and make up first’.

WW: ‘Sigh – you look fine, ahem, wonderful as you are, Nicky, trust me.’

NN: ‘I don’t know, do you really think so?’

WW: ‘Sure I do, I am (freakin’) married to you 🙂 oh, wait, here she comes, boss is here, quiet now.’

NN: ‘Hmmm, wonder where we’re going to today…’

Boss: ‘Hi Nicky, hi Wally, how are you doing? You ready? Ready to rock my camera? Today we are going to explore some artificial nature.

W&G: ???

Boss: ‘We are going to the Arboretum Frelinghuysen to explore some of the plants and trees there, o.k.?’

W&G: *mumbling* ‘As if she is really expecting an answer from us…’

Boss: ‘What was that? What did you say? Don’t want to go? Weeell, there is always Ebay. Or Craigslist, if you prefer’.

And with that off they went on their journey in boss’s truck, which they all call Tuffie (short for ToughNut, of course). Why Tuffnut? Obvious, it needs to be tough with a boss like that! Only a few very short minutes later (‘pssst, Wally here, some call boss ‘German speed demon’, but don’t let her hear you say that…. or that I told you – eeek’) we all arrived, safe and sound, at the arboretum. Which is when work started for us. Slowly at first, we got to sit on a bench. Well the back of it, but still, not much to do – yet.

NN: ‘Wally, I’m a little scared. I don’t trust this. It is quiet… too quiet. And too easy.’

Nicky Gnome & Wally Weasel

WW: ‘It is going to be o.k., honey, don’t you worry, I’m here. And look, what is this? A pine cone, we’re on a pine tree!’ *sniff sniff*

Nicky Gnome & Wally Weasel

NN: ‘Can we eat it?’

WW: ‘Sure, why not. Nobody is looking.’ *click, click* ‘Except for boss’s (darn’) camera, of course.’

Boss: ‘Come on, guys (and girls), smile! Work it! Yeah, that’s the way… great… good job’

W&G: ‘Phew, I think boss is happ..’.

Nicky Gnome & Wally Weasel

Boss: ‘What are you doddling there. Eating? We’ve got work to do.’

So, off W&G went. Back to the bench. And further. To where the next adventure awaits them. And boss.

Nicky Gnome & Wally Weasel

Why don’t you join us, Nicky, Wally and boss on their journey? (pssst – here is the direct link to part II of their journey)

Or you can follow us on facebookgoogle+ and twitterif you prefer and see what I come up with next. You can, of course, also subscribe by email – (click) here.

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