Wednesday and time for our Sisterhood Stories Circle. Yes it has already been two weeks, we have got Memorial Day – find my post about this remembrance day here – behind us and now it is unofficially summer in the US. It really has been warm enough for it, but unfortunately temperatures are going to drop quite a bit over the next couple of days.
Anyways, can you believe that it was my first time that I watched a parade this Memorial Day? I have been living in the US for three years now and I have never been to one. But this Monday I got up to some gorgeous weather and walked the whole 200 yards from our house to the main road – LOL- with the intent of finding a good spot to take in the spectacle and to take photos. Well, I found a spot, no problem, but good… The photographer in me says ‘too much background noise with all those power poles’, but then I say ‘hey, it is a Memorial Day parade, which takes place on a road, there has to be some non-photogenic background’. So, it is what it is. I did not edit the photos aside from a little crop here and there and basic stuff.
As for the parade and me? I enjoyed it. I am not sure I would want to attend each and every one, especially longer ones, but this one here, our Whippany Memorial Day Parade was perfect for a newbie like me. And who knows maybe next year I can even convince my husband to get up early enough to see it. Maybe the old cars and trucks will help me to convince him. 😉 Seriously, there were a lot of different, old and new fire trucks, big bikes, old cars (that black one, the Chevelle really ‘grumbled’ impressively with its V8!), our local township, the church, bagpipe band, boy and girl scouts, little league and soccer and, of course, our Whippany Park Highschool Marching Band.
But now here are the photos, in a slideshow because there are so many, so you can skip through them at your own leisure. By the way, should you find yourself in one of the photos, do drop me a line so I can send you a print of it.
And now on to the next one in our blog circle. Hop on over to Kay and see what wonderful photos she will show us at Kay Maguire Photography.
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
Looks like a gorgeous day for a parade. The last one I went to was probably for Mardi Gras in New Orleans many years ago!!! 🙂
Oh, it sure was, Susi. It was such a wonderful morning, really made for being out there.
Whippany, NJ! Ah, my old stomping grounds. It’s strange that you now live around where I spent 27 years.
I never know what lens to take to a parade. I think I’ve tried them all. I love to use a good zoom to get details but sometimes things are so close and I have to back up quickly.
Hahaha – it is so funny how small our world it is sometimes, right? Well, I’ve only been here a few years and who knows where I will be in a few more…
I didn’t know either which lens to take, especially since it was my first one. Finally I made decision and only took my 50 mm (on a full frame) and that was it. But I did miss out on close ups with it, while at the same time being too lazy to sway for my 70-200, oh well, too excited and all too new. Really, I guess, what you want for a parade is those ‘one can do it all lenses’ aka 18-250 or such 😉
Beautiful shots, beautiful day. I seriously enjoyed every single frame. I’m so small town girl it’s not even funny – I would never get tired of watching a parade. especially if there are horses and bands. gosh – that’s almost embarrassing, but — it’s the simple things right?
Oh — and did they throw candy? that’s a big thing up here.
Um….it might be the candy. 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed it, Les. I really didn’t know what to expect or how I would feel about a parade. You know, being born and growing up after WW II in occupied Germany (not that I have noticed a lot), it is kind of natural to not have a ‘national’ feeling on display. There is nothing wrong or bad with being German, but for a very long time it was wrong and at times it still is taken wrong to say ‘I am proud to be German’. I always felt more European than German anyways, but that sentiment is why I was a bit hesitant about parades, too. Oh well. It definitely was a good experience. And, I certainly remembered all those who lost their lives in active duty i.e. American and foreign.
And you are right, horses, bands, uniforms all mixed up are great! Candy? Oh yes, they were throwing candy, although I did give it away, since I hardly eat any 😉
The thing I love the most about parades, I guess it’s not the parade itself, but the gathering of neighbors and friends. It’s what makes every parade special to me 🙂 Loved the photos! We will have a parade on June 23rd, I will do my best to snap some shots!
While I haven’t felt like it this time since it was my first parade, I am sure that that is the very thing I would love most, too. And I saw lots of families and friends gathering around me. Actually I did meet some of my neighbors, however I wanted to meander on to a better photo spot 😀
Have fun at your parade in a couple of weeks!