Did Winter Storm Jonas hit you hard?

#4 / 2016 – Wordless or Wordy Wednesday

The day of winter storm Jonas

And the day after…

Winter storm Jonas in New Jersey-9


Winter storm Jonas in New Jersey-10

 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

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I hope that over time we will be building a community dedicated to art and creating. I rather like these words said by Andy Warhol:


Don’t think about making art, just get it done.

Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. 

While they are deciding, make even more art.” 

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49 thoughts on “Did Winter Storm Jonas hit you hard?”

  1. Your subdivision is lovely! I like the church photo the best. Reminds me of Germany. That dog! Almost missed seeing him he is so white! Thanks for sharing these. You both looked like you enjoyed the storm.

  2. I love looking at the pictures from way down South, knowing I don’t have to worry about that beautiful white stuff turning into the ugly grey slush that always follows. 🙂

  3. The pictures are gorgeous! They remind me of our days in NY end of 2013, when suddenly a snowstorm came up and we “hid” in the Apple Store in 5th Ave. Remember?

    Seems you even have a lot more of the white beauty, now. 🙂

    Cheers and Happy Birthday, Dear Claudia!


    • Those were some fun days, Michael. I have not forgotten them. Or my very first visit of an Apple store 🙂 It was a good time. But, yes, this time the snow is sticking around a bit more.
      I hope you are doing good. Any future travels planned for the coming year?

      • I am fine, Claudia. Thanks! One travel project is already planned, indeed. A summer holiday on Amrum! After my visit to Föhr last summer, I liked the island and the “Friesenhäuschen” so much that it was no question that I would like to come back. 🙂

        How about you and David? A chance you come to Europe? We have a lot of guests these days… 😉

  4. Where you live looks just like a condo I had in North Brunswick. It was beautiful and new! And I loved that they would shovel for me.
    Well, as you know, we got zero snow. No idea how that happened.

    • Yeah, these are townhouses, but there is one building at the end of the street that has apartments only. These are nice, open space and bright inside – just the way I like it.
      Don’t jinx it with the snow – then again, you’re escaping, aren’t you?

  5. Yep, you sure got your share of snow with Jonas this round, Claudia! I’m ready for spring to get here, aren’t you? I’m such a big baby. lol Thanks for linking up today, dear! Keep warm!!

  6. Wow. Oh my goodness. It totally looks like a Winter Wonderland! Or that movie, White Christmas I’m reminded of. I wish it snowed here too, but I guess we’ll just have to settle for rain. 🙂

  7. You go girl! I wish I had gone out to play but this belly kept me warm and inside and lame! I’m sure I’ll be out there next year until eternity with the kid(s)!

  8. Du bist ein Kommunikationsgenie und Dein Blog entwickelt sich zum Marktplatz der Welt.
    Schick auch ein paar zu mir zu Friends meet Friends! Herzlich Pippa

  9. I love how all the steps down from the houses look like slides. Now that would be a fin way to get out your house everyday


  10. It looks like you got quite the deluge of snow. I’m in the UK, but I’ve seen plenty about the snow/blizzard in the US via social media and such. I hope you’re staying safe, and warm!! The pictures you’ve shared are so crisp and clear – just beautiful!


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