8 thoughts on “Ice crystals”

  1. Hello Claudia. I am definitely a summer person, so i prefer the summer photos much better. But i must admit the winter photos look magical, too. I am always having difficulty to comment on your blog. I can’t find the comment button unless somebody had commented before.Is it because of my computer? I am using Firefox. Happy weekend…

    • Hi Ozge, me, too – I always prefer summer over winter.
      I’m sorry to hear about your issues to comment. I actually logged out on Firefox and had no issue to comment on a post that didn’t have any comments yet. Maybe clear your browser cache? I hope you do try again and if there is an issue, maybe you could email me screenshots to help solve the problem? Thank you very much!

    • Yeah, me, too. Whenever we start to get frost at night, first thing I do the next morning is I check the windows for some ice flowers 🙂 Most of the time I’m out of luck though, because our insulation is too good. I guess I cannot complain about that.
      In this case, because it was so windy, it blew it right onto the window and it stuck.


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