Winter Wonderland Photos

Here we go again. A new year and another snow storm happening. In fact a few hours ago I was told we have a ‘state of emergency’. Whatever that means. So maybe we’ll get to see something like this again. Beautiful as it was, it was very slippery to get the winter wonderland photos I wanted. This and a hundred or so more were taken a week before Christmas. And while I wouldn’t mind at all taking some more tomorrow, I think I may have to go to work instead.

winter, wonderland, ice, river


And now to the regular feature of Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, I list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  .

If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is DONETTA from MY CONSTANT THOUGHT she who came up with the last statement.

This week’s statements:

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1) Is it really already Friday again?

2) I am the opposite of short.

3) Saying ‘I can’t do that’ is hard for me. o.k. it is not so much hard, but I don’t like saying it. Which might be kind of the same. I guess.

4) My favorite pastime is computer woozeling because it allows me to either work or not.


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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!

14 thoughts on “Winter Wonderland Photos”

  1. The photo is beautiful! I sure love to look at it but prefer not to deal with the aftermath! Stay safe!!!
    I like computer woozeling too – and probably do way too much of it!!! 🙂

    • And I fully, totally, absolutely understand you – I love summer, I do not like winter – however, I do like to take winter photos 😉
      Computer woozeling is pretty addictive – maybe there’s a cure for it?!

  2. Yes that looks like our place as well. We didn’t declare a state of emergency however some people went 8 day without power in frigid temperatures. It may take another 8 weeks to clean up. I am staying indoors.

    • Oh no, really?! That is terrible, having no power for days or weeks, not to think about the cleaning up, have I mentioned I hate cleaning? This photo is actually from a couple of weeks ago. But I just came back inside after an hour or so outside taking pictures of the renewed white beauty. Will be posting those soon.

  3. Oh wow. Um yeah, no fear of any competition from regarding photography. Amazing shot.
    I have sooo much to learn.
    And I hate saying “I can’t do that too”.
    unless it’s spiders.
    I can’t do spiders. that’s why I got married. 😉

  4. I like this winter impression. Your image conveys the freezing cold and the beauty of the crystals that have grown just overnight. ANd computer woozeling is a nice word for something that I am pretty much addictive, too. 😉



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