Wordless Wednesday – July 18

Wordless Wednesday on the Internet 

“On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it does not need any description.”


*{ n a t u r e }*



12 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – July 18”

  1. Cool shot of the sky/water reflection! I couldn’t go ‘Wordless’ today……my day has been filled with Hank Williams Sr. and his music; and the music isn’t wordless. LOL

    • Thanks, Deborah. Yes, I saw on g+ and have to admit that the name means nothing to me. Probably because I don’t know any country music.

    • Sorry ’bout that, but it is supposed to be random, I think. Simple solution: Just log in with your google account to post a comment, then your profile avatar will pop up 🙂 (Like Jen | Acts of Craftiness has done here in the comments).

    • That is strange… Is it the same account/email as for your blogspot account? It should work. However, I do see a non-gmail email address. Maybe that is why? Try adding your blogsite as website and it will link to your last post.


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