Wordless Wednesday – November 7

If you have a(n almost)  Wordless Wednesday article on your blog ~ share it! Right here. Please leave a comment and I will hop on over to check out your picture(s).

 *{ y e l l o w  | & | p u r p l e }*

 “On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless wednesday’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it does not need any description.”

Wordless Wednesday



Above are a few of my favorite sites hosting Wordless Wednesday blog hops.

You can also grab my button as a reminder to link up every week with some of your great photos, and possibly an added word or two – not more!

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13 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday – November 7”

  1. My favorite of these is the one where you snapped the shot of the leaf with the a star burst of light from the sun. I would imagine you used a star filter or is this effect from a setting on your camera. Like I said, I haven’t used my new DSLR much since getting it due to little opportunity, but I know it has all kinds of settings which will do all kinds of neat things and someone such as yourself who has been at it for a long time probably knows all these little tricks, too. Great photos! Thanks for hosting..~Cathy

    • Thank you very much for taking such an interest in my picture. I (almost) wish I could say that it was some extremely difficult procedure paired with an expensive camera that produced the star burst… However, truth be said, like all of my instagram photos, this too was taken with my android phone, no dslr or in camera setting. It was simply a matter of angling it right with the leaf and the sun – et voila 🙂 Thanks again, Cathy!

    • Not really, Jamie. It looks like some kind of an aster, with a bunch of blossoms on one stem. My Grandma used to have them in her garden and I loved them in bouquets. Here, I took the picture ‘in the wild’ 🙂


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