Zen doodle and art in these crazy times

Can anyone remind me where or when I am, please? It has been so long that I visited this place of mine. More than 6 months and within this time so many things happened and changed the world.

I saw my last post left off with Thanksgiving 2019 or shortly thereafter. Christmas we spent home in Germany with my family. We had a wonderful time, even though time to relax was rather sparse. But that is o.k. we enjoyed every minute of our vacation and we got to eat a lot (!) of German goodies including my sister’s homemade Christmas cookies – yum!!!

Not too long after we returned on January 3rd, COVID-19 took pretty much center state here in the US, especially here in NY / NJ. My team and I have been working from home since March 18 and for quite a while we have been busier than ever. We are in the food industry and with that we count ourselves lucky, because unlike so very many others we actually still have work – it is a crazy weird world we’re living in.

I know a lot of people turned to art and creating during these tough stay-at-home-order times. But as mentioned, at times I got so busy with my paid-day-job that I got up say at 7 am and stopped work at 7:30 pm with hardly a lunch break – crazy. Mind you, I am not 30 anymore :D. Add to that anxiety fueled by the daily news about the virus all over the world and art took a back seat once again.

I wish I had painted more than I actually did, because when I did it was a great way to relax my mind and ease the stress.  Among other paintings, I actually did some zen-doodling, which I hadn’t done in years. I can really recommend it as an art form that anyone can do, even you non-believers, who think they are non-artistic. I did the below simple doodles over the course of a few nights after finishing up work late, when my brain was too fried to do anything else. But these sometimes only 10 minutes calmed me down massively and I created art. I highly recommend giving these a try.

So, that’s it for today, maybe I’ll manage to post a little earlier than another 6 months – hahaha – no promises though.

I hope you all are staying safe and healthy!!


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Please click on any of the images to enlarge!

Zen Doodles (2 of 3)

Zen Doodles (1 of 3)


4 thoughts on “Zen doodle and art in these crazy times”

  1. Hi Claudia, good to hear it’s mainly work that’s keeping you from posting! Honestly, I am pretty much relieved that you seem to be safe and healthy. Crazy times, as you already mentioned, also here in Germany! Art may be of help and creativity for sure. Let’s stay confident and optimistic! Cheers and my best wishes, Michael

  2. The artwork that you HAVE done is awesome though. Still hard to believe how quickly these go. You should create an adult coloring book!

  3. Claudia, how delightful to find your return to this site.
    Zen doodle is quite interesting. And your three doodles are beautiful and provocative.
    All of us should find our inner artists, but we get so stressed and busy that we don’t remember how valuable it is. I rely on writing to calm my stress, but I have much to do and see the signs of stress.
    But art is so valuable. Thanks for reminding us of what we know but should continue to keep mindful of.

  4. I am so happy for you that you did get that visit to Germany before all this craziness happened! My days of course became filled with home schooling of three!!! Wow. I found that energy came in spurts and then I’d be quite happy to binge a Netflix show for a week lol. I did try to do more in my journals, rather than on line and I love these zen doodles here. I cannot draw, but I found ways in my journal to do something like this just to give it a bit more creative expression. 110 % agree with David that if you do an adult art coloring book I will buy it!! take care!


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