An Ayako illustration gone somewhat wrong

Tthis week’s Creative Tuesdays theme is: STARS.

And today Ayako is back! Because she loves to stargaze, just like me. There is – almost – nothing better to do at night. Seriously, when we are at the Outer Banks in October or on Bonaire in February, it is one of my favorite things to do in the evening before I go to bed. Stars – can’t help, but think of this:

“Space… The final frontier…
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise.
Its continuing mission:
To explore strange new worlds…
To seek out new life; new civilisations…
To boldly go where no one has gone before!”

Anyways, back from daydreaming and stargazing to my latest drawing (effort). It really was an effort and a struggle and it came close to not being shown. But then I decided, yep, I am not only going to show you my successes, but also my failures. All went well until… I thought I was being clever by using masking fluid for the little stars to color them after I had done the watercolor background. However, I forgot that 1) this particular sketchbook is not very watercolor friendly as the paper dissolves rather quickly and 2) I was too impatient and started rubbing the dried masking fluid away when the paper underneath was still wet from the watercolor. Sigh – oh well, not everything can be a success.

On a different note, this is a completely traditionally drawn illustration of Ayako, no digital app etc. except for taking the photos, of course.


Please don’t forget to check out the other entries to this week’s Creative Tuesdays theme.






ayako, drawing
Ayako somewhat rescued

Why don’t you join me along my journey and follow me on fbgo and tw if you prefer and see what I come up with next. You may, of course, also [et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_3″]


11 thoughts on “An Ayako illustration gone somewhat wrong”

  1. Claudia, I love the sky, especially clouds in the day and stars at night. So, I love this! I enjoy your art; it is so magical. I think a graphic book about Ayako would be a wonderful thing. Of course, so much of your art inspires more. Hugs.

  2. Ayako and the Stars! It’s a Manga story waiting to be told, Claudia! I read your comment where you wrote that it had been so long since you illustrated and I’m so glad you stated again. I love this piece as it shows the process so well and how you recovered! Believe me, I do that so often myself, turning mistakes into something new that sometimes take the piece an unexpected direction but keeping it fresh too.

    So, did you peel off all the blue to do the yellow? However you did that, it looks great! Those stars are luminous. I really like the watercolour too, even with the buckled paper…which is another thing I think all of us have done at some time. Lesson learned, right?

    This is a great collection and wonderful write up. Thank you SO much for playing along and adding this contribution to our Stars theme. Well done! 🙂

  3. Would you like to swing on a star? Carry moonbeams home in a jar…. Love the picture. Stargazing is so peaceful. Although I always feel so tiny when I look at them. The whole vastness of the sky and the unseen parts… surreal sometimes.

  4. Still love her though!!! I seriously love this character – perfect or “flawed”! I really think you have something with her and I hope we get to see more of her. 🙂

  5. This is a lovely illustration of the theme stars…I especially love the flow of the background since I love the flow of watercolor. The contrast is very appealing.

  6. Dear Claudia, as you’ve contributed 4 times now in a row, I’ve added you to the side bar of CREATIVE TUESDAYS as a regular contributor! 🙂 However, as you are not with Blogger, your blog snippet will not show up the same way as the others. Just depends on what platform you have. Anyway, you are up there now. Thank you so much for your support. I love having you on the art team. Keep it up!

  7. I love that you shared the flaw and the repair. To those who wouldn’t know about the earlier damage, they would never know as it turned out perfect! My daughter loves this by the way!


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