WIP – a work in progress / speed drawing

  Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today:  WIP speed drawing

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

~ Andy Warhol ~

Acouple of sARTurdays ago I showed you a fully colored manga drawing and how I started it as a simple pencil sketch in my sketchbook. Your feedback was terrific!

As were your responses to the short video I posted last Saturday with little how-to of photo art. By the way, I promise to another one and to include a voice over and improve the video’s quality so that you may actually read the on-screen. Got to figure out the darn’ YouTube compression…

YouTube is a wonderland of just about any information that you would ever (not) want to see. I am watching how-tos and drawing inspiration on a constant basis, especially while I am working out on the elliptical.  One (of the many) inspiring artists is Jazza of ‘Draw with Jazza’, a young guy from Oz (my 2nd home country) and on top of all the drawing videos, he also holds a monthly drawing challenge for his community. I don’t think that I will actually take part in it, however, the theme sounded just too good:

Dragons vs. Kittens

I nearly despaired trying to draw the dragon, still am not 100 % happy, but for a 1st try – not too bad.

First up is again the pencil drawing I did in my sketchbook, which I transferred via Sketchbook App (it records transparency) to my iPad. In ProCreate App I went over the pencil with a pencil and then ink brush, added details and… a lamb, monster, seal, well – wait till you see the 2nd kitten appear in the bottom right corner. What a struggle it was to get that kitten right – quite hilarious to watch. Maybe I should have cut it out of the video, but I wanted to keep it real. Mind you I was drawing without a reference and in the end I decided on a different pose and that worked. Except for the fact that for quite a while I had a three-legged kitten – hahaha – oh well.

I also started coloring, but have not finished, that is where it stops for now. There is much more to do, yet I thought I let you be a part of my WIP and hope you will watch and enjoy the video (btw – it’s quality is way better than last week’s).

Thanks for watching and have a great weekend!





p.s. I am on the road for the most part of the weekend, so I may be even slower than usual to check out your art – but I will, promise!

dragon, pencil, drawing

dragon, digital, drawing


 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

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13 thoughts on “WIP – a work in progress / speed drawing”

  1. Your artwork is so inspiring and unique! Love the dragon vs. kittens, just precious. Thank you for the video too. Have a great weekend and even better week! Rasz

  2. Cludia, I love your dragon. I have just bought myself a small drawing board. I have nit yet unpacked it. I want to see if that is soemthing I can use.
    My image IS NOT A CAT as several seem to think. It is a slightly manipulated part of a water stream. 🙂

  3. That was sooooo cool to watch!! I bow – seriously. I will never understand how someone who draws can make such sure and confident strokes, and it just looks amazing!! Really neat to watch that drawing unfold. And, I’m rather in love with the 3 legged kitten. LOL

    Overall I love the design. The dragon and the kitten – such opposing creatures. Amazing.

  4. Enjoyed the video. IT really did turn out well this week. Love the coloring you have started. Really nice. You really do have one phenomenal imagination.


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