Witchgame, Dragon and Kitten – the almost finished artwork

  Welcome to my s~A(R)T~urday linky party – today witchgame

“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.

~ Andy Warhol ~

Some of you expressed an interest in seeing the completed dragon vs. kitten image and since I did get it finished just in time for the challenge, I thought I would show it to you here today as well. There are some very fantastic drawings entered in the challenge, if you like you may check them out here. While I don’t think I have a chance of winning, I think that it is important to step out of my comfort zone and take part in things like it. Trust me, being a perfectionist it is not easy to put artwork out there when you yourself feel it is … not quite as good as what you see from others. But that is exactly the point:

I do and I hopefully always will.

At the very least I will keep working on it.

On a somewhat different note: The witch game. It is done. Seriously, we are ready to send you the download link for it this weekend. Please leave a note in the comments or if you prefer send me and email (via contact) and you will get it. Here is a very, very short teaser of our new (not new-est) intro screen:

(please don’t hit fullscreen on the video as it will look fuzzy – I only uploaded it at 800 px)

Thanks for watching and have a great weekend!




dragon, kitten, digital, drawing


 *** Here is where I link up today. ***

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20 thoughts on “Witchgame, Dragon and Kitten – the almost finished artwork”

  1. I agree with you on creating and sharing. Nobody had been born as perfect. The more we make the better we get 🙂 I am really impressed with the witch game. I am not really fond of playing computer games. But i always adore the graphics and the virtual reconstructions that go into them. Congratulations on completing the game. Happy weekend…

  2. yes, you understood it perfectly. I close my art meme. I had this kind of meme since 2008 and ended up with one or two participants. It is not fun. If people are not interested it is no use doing it. My guess is they are on FB or GOOGLE+. I will still do art anyway.

    I like your dragon 🙂

  3. There was never a day that I did not feel my work was good enough when I was showing it to others. We kinda have to get over that part. Love your dragon! The Witch game! Sooooooo COOL!!!!!!

  4. LOVE IT LOVE IT!!! This dragon pic is so special I think. It’s so imaginative and sweet. Good luck in the challenge. I am quite certain you will do well.
    And you know I wanna play that game! LOL
    I worked so hard all day Saturday, it sounds like a great way to unwind Sunday. 🙂

  5. Hi Claudia, your imagery is excellent. Love the colours and the simplicity of your picture. And as for your game. I am no gamer, but the start of your game looks like a well designed proper start to a game to me.


  6. Love your dragon and the kitty. The colors are so vibrant and perfectly chosen. I think my favorite part of the picture is the heart at the top of kitty’s tail. That is so cute. genie


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