Leslie’s question this week for our Coffee Chat is: Today it is ZooZoo’s 5th birthday and she is having a costume party. If you were going to a Costume Ball (and since Halloween is days away), what costume would you wear? Hmmm, let me start with: Happy Birthday, ZooZoo! Hope you are having a fun day with lots of presents. And then, let’s go back in history to when I was your age. I didn’t go to any costume parties, unfortunately that just didn’t happen – for me – back then. However, a few years later, not too many later, I belonged to a swimming club and we had costume parties. Not for Halloween, because Halloween was / is not being celebrated in Germany, but for carnival or Mardi Gras, like in New Orleans, which is in February each year. We did not have the money to buy any fancy costumes, so we had to make do with what we or my older sisters had. And that mean two out of three times being dressed as a gypsy. Which meant colorful, funky clothing and make up and jewelry (fake one), too 🙂
Now, today, what would I want to be today, and if money were no – big – issue. Hmm, I actually like darker stuff. Maybe a Victorian dress, steampunk like? That would be fun! Or something with black leather, Zorro or Catwoman – arrrghhh – uh, speaking of, how about a pirate? I guess you get my picture. And sorry, not a princess, that just is not me. But from the pictures I saw of you, ZooZoo, you would be an awesome princess 🙂
And Kathy’s You’ll-shoot-your-eyes-out Song-ography song this week is “Secrets” by Mary Lambert. Never heard of it. Which is one of the things I like about Song-ography, ever so often you get to know new songs. So, off to YouTube and AZ Lyrics I went… and came back. Uh oh – this is going to be a difficult one. How to pack secrets, bi-polar disorder, overweight, mom jeans into a photo? Off to ponder a little more… A day later and I am still drawing a blank. So, I’ll go with this. Pure and simple.
‘I’m scared of the dark’
How could you not be? Under this kind of a moon… a blood moon…
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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!
I wish I had seen your moon! Thanks for capturing it!
You should have seen me, Judy. We were sitting down for dinner, literally sitting down, glancing outside, jumping back up, putting the meal aside, grabbing the camera and tripod and took photos. Hubby got a little impatient waiting for my return… LOL
I love the mooon!!!! And I love the Victorian dress idea! That is another one I should add to my list of costume ideas.
Thank you, Kisma. A Victorian dress is like a dark princess, right, I mean the looks of it. I guess that’s why I like the idea, pretty, but not too ‘good’.
I wouldn’t be scared of the dark with THAT gorgeous moon to illuminate and capture my attention. Fantastic shot! Thanks for linking up to Song-ography. Next week is FREE CHOICE…maybe I’ll learn a new song from YOU! 🙂
It was still pretty, freakin’ dark, Kathy, you know how it is at the Outer Banks, thank God, very little light pollution. Unlike here.
Somehow I doubt that I’ll find a song that you don’t know
Under the weather, so few words today. Moon shot. Won-Der-Ful!
Oh no, I hope you have since recovered from being under the weather, Maureen. Thanks for dropping by – despite not feeling well 🙂
Great moon! When my kids were little and afraid of the dark I would have them look around the room when going to bed and I told them to remember “there is nothing in the room in the dark that isn’t here in the light.” However, I was still required to turn all my daughter’s dolls and stuffed animals to face the wall so she didn’t see the eyes. Oh well!
Hahaha – Carol, I think I was behaving exactly like your daughter. And there are still nights/evenings where I check before going to bed that all cabinet doors are closed. The things you carry with you from childhood all through your life. But, exactly – oh well!
I did not know that song either…but I love your idea with the shot of the wonderful moon!
Coming from the North of Germany we did not have Halloween nor “Karneval”.
But I hope that ZooZoo had a great day!
Thanks, Karen. Like you, I am from northern Germany, not really the north, but compared to e.g. Frankfurt it is north 😀 yet not northern enough to have no Karneval at all.
I’m scared of the dark too! And mardi gras sounds like fun! Certainly looks fun from what I’ve seen on tv! Got photos of those? 😉
It is a pretty common phenomena, especially among women, to be afraid of the dark. So, at least we are not alone.
Unfortunately I have not been to New Orleans yet, the city of THE Mardi Gras. But it is definitely on my bucket list.
I dressed as a gypsy a lot. It’s funny, because I married Bill, who is Hungarian.
Oh, he is? But not a Gypsy, right? Then again, maybe he has some gypsy blood in him, having moved to the middle of the US and now being on the road all the time 🙂
Ahhhh. That moon is lovely. All moons are but the ones that are red are spectacular. I can totally see you as a steampunk Victorian lady. I am sure there are leftover robot parts David could “loan” you! LOL But I cannot see you being afraid of the dark.
I knew you would love it, Debbi. Unfortunately I did not see the eclipse, but this one happened a couple of evenings later and I got lucky.
Hey, that’s an idea! Maybe I should ask my creative hubby to make me a steampunk costume 🙂
Sadly, I am afraid of the dark. Not scared, scared, but I really, do not like it to be alone in the dark. Sorry to disappoint 🙁
Stunning image and I LOVE the moon
Thanks, Molly. After missing the eclipse, I got lucky with this one here. It really was quite a spectacle.
Uh-oh – blood on the moon! a sign of trouble ahead! But in this case, just a great shot!
I love the idea of a gypsy!! Or steampunk — you’ve given me next year’s costume ideas. I am not really the princess type either — it must skip a generation because my girls definitely have it. Although, older sister is a Ninja this year. but, in pink, of course. ha
I hope I never outgrow costume parties. 🙂
I certainly hope for ‘great shot – no trouble’! I cannot use and/or deal with any more stress, thank you.
‘Gypsy’ really used to be THE costume when and where I grew up. But steampunk is what I could really go for these days. I love the looks of it. Really. A lot.