Colorful simple Mandala

#48 / 2015 – Colorful simple Mandala Wordless Wednesday

To see my *(i)PhoneOnly* photos first hand connect with me on Instagram here

And don’t forget to check back on Saturday for my brand new *(almost) anything goes* art link up: s~A(R)T~urday

colorful simple mandala


*** Here is where I link up today. Maybe.***

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14 thoughts on “Colorful simple Mandala”

  1. so pretty! I love graphics like this! I actually did some colouring yesterday. The centre I volunteer at use colouring as a therapy for some of the group residents and I was sitting with them yesterday chatting and colouring. I’ll admit it is very therapeutic – for both of us. And some of their creations were just beautiful, like this, and I want to frame them for my walls! 🙂

    • I definitely second that drawing, coloring is very therapeutic. For me it is just very relaxing. One night I came home from work and actually said to David ‘give me half an hour, I need to draw some, to relax’ – and it worked 🙂

  2. I am soooooo close to purchasing one of those “adult” coloring books I see in the bookstores! With the intricate designs. But then I’d get NOTHING done all day! haha.

  3. I love all the spirals and colors! Fabulous artwork! Thanks for visiting and linking up. I’m totally behind this week. Phew! I’m so exhausted. Have a funtastic weekend and a blessed Thanksgiving, Claudia!


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