Sweet temptation – Donauwellen muffins

Sweet temptation – just waiting for you.

Make it, bake it, eat it.

Sweet indulgence, can it be wrong?

Carpe Diem – enjoy your day, always!

Sweet - Donauwellen Muffins

My Memory Art six word fridays

For Six Words Friday over at Adrienne’s My Memory Art

You can find the complete recipe & post for this yummy sweet temptation right here Donauwellen Muffins!


And now for the Friday Four Fill ins ~ here is from Hilary’s blog:

Okay, you know the deal – Each week, I list four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to me  . If I use them, I will add you as co-host to the hop!  This week’s co-host is The Blustbutterfly! I REALLY NEED STATEMENTS!

This week’s statements:

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1) I love to go jogging in the morning

2) I love it a lot when I’m relaxed and on vacation at the ocean

3) My least favorite household chore is cleaning

4) When I walk through the ice cream aisle at the supermarket, I think not enough room for all the flavors in my small freezer

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Drop me a comment and you’ll make me smile!

26 thoughts on “Sweet temptation – Donauwellen muffins”

    • Yep, I am caught right in the same weather as you are apparently – cold & rainy. But, as someone said today, at least it is not snow – LOL. But a little beach and sunshine would be real nice.

  1. mmmm…..strawberrys, pies and now this deliciousness: you’re killing me. LOL
    I think I will have to go make some banana bread today to satisfy the beast.
    and it’s also way better than cleaning – I’m with you on that. In my case, anything only stays clean for about 30 minutes, otherwise it might seem work the effort.

  2. I need to link up at Hilary’s, but just got your newsletter in my box which reminded me that I need to visit some day. *smack forehead* Mmm, this recipe looks like one I’m gonna have to try. But, I have to wait till I’m off my crazy diet. lol Meanwhile, I downloaded the recipe from your blog. I thought Hilary’s last fill-in was interesting considering last night we bought 3-cartons. We LOVE ice cream! And, yes I indulged a little. Have a good weekend!

    • Ah, so my ‘not-daily’ news served as a reminder – good! Well, the recipe is not going anywhere and since you’ve already copied it…
      You know, I really am not a big ice cream fan. For me, it is a summer treat when I am in the mood for it. OTH my dear husband… he is an ice cream monster – LOL
      Hope you’re having a great weekend, too!

  3. I am not much of a jogger. I do like to blog in the mornings and get my day going. A good walk in the afternoon when the weather improves though. Banana muffins are my favourite.

    • Blogging in the morning is good, too. On the weekend I usually do that, because I get up earlier than hubby. But once it is warm enough outside in the mornings, I will go jogging first and then woozle on the internet 🙂
      I once made banana, roasted walnut and chocolate muffins – hubby took them to work and they were a big hit.

  4. Hi Claudia,
    So nice to hear from you on yet another Six Work Friday.
    Again your simple words move me. Sweet is waiting for ME? Really?
    I am a good one for avoiding sweet indulgences -and not just the baked kind.
    In fact, I don’t even recognize them when they come my way. I am working on
    being better at finding, making, baking, and eating. 🙂 m

    • Well, you know, Maureen, I try to stick to my weekly memes once I have found one I like. Although writing is really not my forte as you can tell, but since I can always pair the prompt with a photo I will keep on trying to make it work. So, expect to see me again 🙂
      I am actually also not so bad in avoiding putting too much bad (or sweet) stuff into my body. But I firmly believe that every now you have to ‘just enjoy’. Life is too short to not to.
      Good luck with your goals!

  5. Donauwellen? For real. I’d love to have some right now! Yum. After this week I’d like it very much if I didn’t have to ever clean again. Spring cleaning is way over rayed.

  6. The sun is shining here and the signals of spring can’t be overseen. I just stopped by your webite and saw these deliciously looking muffins, Claudia. Mmmh, I love Donauwellen! Even if I only knew them with cherries your muffins must be great! Reading through your perfectly illustrated recipe page I finally found the original German version. Who knows, maybe the next ‘baking urge’ may also hit me.

    Thanks for your inspiration and best regards from Frankfurt,

  7. oh my gosh Claudia, thanks for the sweetness, and thanks for the recipe. We love the bakeries here in Germany. My favourite is some sort of rhubarb and custard pastry, but this looks like something we would enjoy, and even looks within my skill level 🙂

  8. I’m about to have a kale and spinach salad (your picture made me realize I’m hungry) and then I’m hopping on the treadmill for a while. If I have time I’ll go outside instead but I’m not sure how long I’ll take to eat lunch and I need to be here when the kids get home from school.


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